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Okay, so it's not that bad, but that is the only thing I have a problem with. How do I get them {thighs} smaller?


I've lost 12 pounds on my stomach, so I feel "oh so pretty" , but I was talking to a friend tonight about going to the beach when summer comes around and thinking about my thunder thighs, but if there is something I can do to get them smaller and I start now then...maybe I can go to the beach and have fun.


I'm sure you all didn't need to know all that, but I tend to ramble. I apologize.


Any input is *greatly* appreaciated.




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Girl, drink lots and lots of water, to drain and rinse the system, and excercise.


That's all that could help. You do get all sorts of celulite creams, that profess to make you loose countless centimeters around your thighs, but im weary to try all those, (and they cost a fortune)


Also, eat lots of raw vegies.


Good luck for summer beach baby!!

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Exercise is the answer for you. Muscle those up. Do you know what squats are? or weighted deadlifts? or leg curls? Do some research and you'll find them.


Treadmill or bike, 2 of those 3 exercises will make you burn fat like nothing elseand your tights will become a lot more defined, melting the fat around them.

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All the posts are correct. The important thing is that you don't spot train (i.e focus on only your thighs), if you continue to eat right and do cardio, and even a bit a weights, you'll notice awsome gains in other areas, and then when you actually analyze your thighs you'll be shocked at the improvements you were too busy to realize earlier.

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Also.....you might want to consider skipping(jumping rope)....it is a very good cardio workout.

I have read that the best time to BURN FAT while doing cardio is in the morning(not long after you wake up) before you eat breakfast.

Also.....DIET is a huge factor in losing fat. There are some very good sites on the net that will help you with your diet.

Best of luck and DON'T give up.

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You never really lose fat, all you can do is shrink it. I would concentrate heavily on biking, walking, stretching(quad, thighs, etc.)

The greatest single exercise for tightening up your legs and butt is this:

Stand up straight- then reach up with both your arms to the sky-then reach down from that and hang(don't force to touch) to your toes. The goal is to get your nose to your knee(but don't force yourself)

Stay there for 30 sec.- Make sure you are not bending your knees.

Then stay down there and lift one of your legs out behind you as far as you can go(comfortably)with the other leg still firmly planted(not bent) on the floor and still haning over with your arms. Do that for about 1 min.

Then switch and do the other leg. (slowly) Try repeating that for about 5 minutes on each leg. Once you have mastered that, then you try bending and rising on your supporting leg when you are bent over with your other leg in the air. Do that during a normal workout every day and you will tighten your legs. Good luck!

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Hi what about going to areobics, it is fun and can do moves to good music, its great at losing weight plus your gettting fit.


also i go to legs bums and tums , its great for toning and iv noticed since iv went to these classes and cut out junk food that my thighs have reduced in fat and also my tummy too,


its worth a go good luck

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THis is something my g/f says all the time..

i suppose:

-Eat healthy


are the main things u can do.


allthough,around the thighs area is normally the "fatty" area for most peoples bodies, like mine if you looked at me then at my thighs youd think they belonged to someone else

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