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asking out a friend?


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how do i do it? i really like her, and even though i havent been getting the right signals (i asked her out at the weekend, she didnt reply! i said i would love to be with a girl like her, she changed the subject!) i want to ask her out


i dont know what to say, where to do it, when?


also any tips on making her get attracted to me? im not the best looking guy so i dont think she is attracted to me, but i know you can make a girl attracted to you by saying the right things and doing the right things?


so what are these things?


i only see her at college, live quite far away but i do have her fone number, its her bday on 8th feb aswell


any help will be greatly appreciated!

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Here's what I think you should go for.


Simply tell her that you've been thinking about your relationship as more than just friends recently, and tell her how she means a lot to you.


From there, it's up to her. Just don't sound desparate or anything


Good luck my friend

Jimbo, out

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I've got to disagree with jimbo. You've given her a few hints here so far and haven't got any indication she wants to be more than friends with you. If you go gushing to her about how you want to be with her, you're going to lose her as a friend (or it's certainly possible). Leave that alone for the time being.


Carry on seeing her or hanging out with her, find out what she likes to do and what she's into and try to make personal jokes, or establish a uniquely personal point of contact with her (i.e. something only you and her will understand, this is very good because it shows a personal connection). Don't mention that you want to be her boyfriend again OK ?


If you are out with her and you have a good time, just say something like "hey, I really had a good time last night, I think you're pretty cool". Try a moderate amount of flattery but don't go overboard - basically you need to get her to respect you before she will be delighted to hear that you respect her too if you see what I mean. No one can tell you how to attract someone, if they knew that then they would indeed be the richest person ever to live ! So that's my advice, then just see what happens gradually, just because you've thought you want to be with her doesn't mean this is the time to rush and tell her. I would advise against that at the moment.



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Yeah - don't mention the relationship thing again - I had a guy who kept bringing up that he 'would love to date me' 'would love to go out with me' all the time and it was kind of a turn off.


The biggest thing is to show that you care for her as a friend, really show that you care about her. Girls (well at least I do) like guys who will be able to take care of them. Biggest thing is just be her friend, keep hanging out, and she will eventually realize what a sweet caring guy you are and maybe she will change her mind. I know i had a guy that was attracted to me and I finally became attracted to him after awhile cuz he was so caring and concerned about me. But thats just me.


Hope this helps.

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