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Live in the hurtful memories

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Broke up with my boyfriend recently, but must live in the same old atmosphere. It's really painful to me. His housemate works next to my office, and ex often stops by to see his housemate. When I go to work, I still see him around and it brings back my hurtful memories, especially when he told me that he didn't love me and had prepared to break up with me for a long time. It really hurts me to know that for the last 6 months we were together was just his fake and acting. I am really upset and depressing. My feeling inside is angry, sad, confused, isolate, resentful and everything. The another worst thing is that I work in the service field, so I have to be nice, cheerful, and put smile on my face to other people. I hate doing that. How could I do that when inside me is crying. I am not good at faking and betray my feeling.

I can't move to anywhere else because I have signed a contract with the company to work for them for another 2 years. I wish I could do that, so I don't have to live the old environment that my ex and I spent good time together. I know runing away from the problem is not the smart way, but what can I do to overcome my depression.

My ex sometimes calls me or tries to return things that I leave behind at his house. I refuse to see him in person. I am not ready and strong enough to look at him right now. Please help me.

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I'm going to start by pointing a couple things out


I'm sure the last 6 months weren't him faking it, especially if he just 'happens to turn up' at work to "see his housemate." That's a load of bs. And he's calling to "get stuff returned" anouther pile of bs. He loved you 6 months ago, and I'm sure he's still hurting.


I know you'll probably hear this again, but fake it till you feel it. There really isn't anouther way to go on other than trying to at least seem happy. Unfortuanatly there's no pill to heal a broken heart. Time is the only true remedy (don't sit there and gag, it sounds corny and over-worked but it's the truth).


Try and keep busy, but stay well rested, everyone moves on, and obviously he wasn't the one.


Good luck my friend

Jimbo, out

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Jimbo is right that you just have to hang in there and wait.


Do your best to ignore your ex when he comes to see his housemate. Keep yourself busy with tasks at work while you're there, and force that smile on your face if you can, until you really feel like smiling.


I know it's tough, but I also know you can do this. I have done it before and so have many others on this site, and we all say the same thing. It hurts like hell for awhile, but give it time and it does fade.


Hang in there!

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you know they are right it is total bs and he has loved you for the last six months, if you read my post my bf did the same thing. Only to come back and tell me there was another reason behind it. He said that so he didnt have to explain himself and you wouldnt ask why, making the burden of breaking up far easier on him. The main thing the person being broken up with often forgets is that the other party has alot of time to think about what they are going to say in order to get out of it with minimal emotions. And dont forget he has to justify to himself why it is a good thing he is breaking up with you and why he wont regret it. I know how hard it is believe me, i work in the same place as my ex but act happy it wil make him puzzled u moved on so quickly.

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