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so I've been managing the break up quite well recently- cut my ex out of my life, don't feel the need to contact him EVER again (the idea of having to see him actually makes me cringe) and started noticing tons of attractive guys everywhere I go! I'm still not over it though.


It's like all the stuff he told me after our break up is stuck in my head. How his mood swings, nightmares and all his other problems disapeared together with me and it was all my fault. How I should swallow my "foreign" (actually used another racist word I won't use on here) pride and just shut up when he was being disrespectful. That I'm overreacting and there's something wrong with me. I hate how he thinks he can dump me to pursue a "prettier" woman and still thinks I'll be ok with it and not hate his guts. I hate being lied to and replaced like some old paper towel. My self-esteem really took a beating and at times he still makes me feel worthless. I want to be over it and feel confident again!

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My ex wife laid all that garbage on me after she split, how I should never had done this or that, how I didn't do this etc etc...after 16 months post breakup I realize her words were meaningless, that was just her reasoning in her head for leaving. She had plenty of faults herself. I know it's hard but you have to not dwell on his excuses for leaving. Bottom line it didn't work, move on and focus on yourself.

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You're worth so much more than him, glad you've cut him out of your life. Men can say some pretty hurtful things..but don't listen, Liars aren't worth it, you can't believe anything a liar says.. be thankful for the fact that you're not with him anymore.. His new girl will soon find him out..

It will take time for you to 'heal' but in the meantime, concentrate on yourself, take some me time visit family and friends and treat yourself.

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hugs hon! sounds like you are waaaay better off without him! I know how long and how difficult it is for the heart to catch up with the intellect, but when it does, you will see how much better you are! seriously, this guy seems riddled with issues. I can't imagine anyone "making" him happy because he sounds like a miserable cuss! the so called "prettier" woman will only wind up "disappointing" him eventually, too. but it won't be because she actually let him down, it will be because he is a total jerk!


hang in there!

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