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Just want to say after 2 weeks of breaking up, i'm over my ex. We dated for a year and a half and it was an LDR. She told me she started talking to other guys so I started to talking to other girls as well. After talking to a few and going out with some, I realized i'm over my ex. The freedom feels great, no obligations and no more headaches. The first few days were tough but it passed. If it's not meant to be, it's literally not meant to be. Don't hope to get back with your ex because believe me, there are so many people to meet all over the world. It's not hard to find someone you like, it does take time though. Don't let your ex drive you to the ground because if they left you, they don't deserve you. Simple as that. Find someone who will appreciate you because I garauntee when you fall in love again with someone new, it's going to be an amazing feeling. For now, invest in yourself and let life steer your way. Someone will crosspaths with you 100%. But get rid of the ex, theyre the past.



“Anyone who has lost something they thought was theirs forever finally comes to realise that nothing really belongs to them.”

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You'll get a bunch of these little epiphanies and then most likely relapse back into missing her. It's great that you're having this moment of relief, but just make sure not to kick yourself too hard if you go back to feeling like you need her. It's definitely not your fault. It's all a process that only time can lead. Just keep busy and keep your head up!

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I agree with those saying that if you were really into her, two weeks isn't enough time to be over it unless YOU left her or lost interest over time until the actual break up. Im somewhere around two months after my ex hurt me really bad. Ive already had a couple short periods of feeling exactly what you just posted. I was surprised to find it to be temporary and I was missing her usually days later. It was an amazing feeling of strength for a couple days though.

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That's interesting. How many times did you guys see each-other in person? How often did you communicate per day? From what I heard, long distance relationships never work, unless there is something else besides an emotional bond keeping them together.

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