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Ex alert!!!

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My ex broke up with me in April for reasons unknown... Actually they probably are known now. He's been speaking to me on and off, begging for sex, saying he will always want that with me, and I'm beautiful and gorgeous, wanting help to see his son again. Well I just found out yesterday he's being living with another woman for about 5 weeks who's got a child and he's taking them abroad in a few weeks. I was mortified and quite angry about it yesterday but today I feel deflated, I feel like a mug and I'm questioning why do that so quick, he couldn't even have the decency to tell me himself he was speaking to me most days making out nothing had changed with him and the worst thing for me is feeling like a mug now. Any tips please to keep that idiot of a boy making me feel like this.

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Why haven't you blocked him?


Clearly he doesn't respect you: disappeared on you, and now he only wants sex.


I don't understand? You're the only one that makes you feel like this, as you are engaging with someone who treated you like garbage!


Time to show yourself some love and respect.

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