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I love my Girlfriend and want to marry her BUT


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Hello this is new to me but I have a confession,


Im 22 years old and have been living with my girl friend for 2 and a half years. She gave me the best sex of my life when i was 19 and instantly fell in love with her when we made love... short story short we've been living together for the last 2 and a half years and I haven't been happy since the "honey moon stage" i feel like she only had so much sex with me just to get me to fall in love.


shes 26 and im 22 im not sure if there is a big sex age gap or I'm just a sex addict but it feels like I'm the one always having to make the move or give her a message or bring her for dinner to get some love. She never gives me oral pleasure even tho i give her it atleast once a week.


I want to marry and have children with this woman but the sex just doesn't do it for me!!!!


any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated

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Hmmm I can't tell what you should do. In a way you sound too fixated on the sex. I mean you have to do nice things for her to get some sex? Why would that bother you if all you have to do is give her a back rub?

There's something called the 4 love languages. 1 of them is related to physical contact, and 1 of them is related to having things done for them, one of them is related to praise or verbal expression, and 1 to gifts basically. She probably feels a lot of love from you when you do those nice things for her like give her a massage, cook dinner, make her life generally easier or more pleasant. You seem to feel it more on the physical aspect as you even said the sex you had made you fall in love. I think you both need to come to an understanding of how you interpret each others love language. It sounds like you meet hers when you do nice things, and she reciprocates with sex.

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OP, you need to take your fracking mind out of the gutter! You are 22 years old, in my opinion too young to get married. But beyond that, the fact of the matter is the main thing that is making you interested in this woman is the sex with her. You should NOT, I repeat, NOT marry this woman (or avoid doing so) simply because of the topic of sex. Yes, it is important, but it is only one piece of the pie.


What is she like as a person? Does she make you happy besides sex? What kind of career aspects do you BOTH have? Do you want children with her someday? These are all important things when you think about marriage. Beauty fades and sex dies down over time, after that what is your life going to be like with her? I sincerely question your mentality at this point. You are only interested in getting laid it sounds like. And for all the great sex you are getting, you are complaining that she doesn't give you "oral sex". You are sounding ridiculous. And you "fell in love" with her after your first sexual encounter. That sounds ridiculous.


I think you need to spend more time with her and see how your life is with her over time more. You need to learn to control your sexual appetite and you shouldn't expect her to give you oral sex. Not everyone is comfortable doing that. There is a saying someone told me as a guy once. You need to start thinking with your big head and not the little one. Quit making sex the center point of your relationship. The fact that she is is not putting out as much tells me that you possibly are not a good partner for her. You must not be making her happy in other aspects of her life. That is not a good grounds to think about marriage on.

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