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"You deserve more"


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I had this friend that I knew for six years and just these two past years we become closer then ever. We would hangout with each other everyday and go on trips together. I meet his mom and stepdad and he meet my family. And recently, I asked him if we were ever going to become a official . We were acting like a couple but we weren’t officially one. He told me that I deserve better than him and that he care about me but wasn’t in love with me anymore. This was the same guy that asked me out years ago but I wasn’t ready and he told me that he understood where I was coming from. It’s been hard letting him go because I thought we were friends and that he would never hurt me like this but I wrong. Now he has a girlfriend even though we stopped talking month ago. This makes me wonder if he was with this girl along. I know you learn more about someone at the end of a relationship then at the beginning but I thought it was different, I thought we were friends but I guess not.

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He was right, you do deserve more. Sadly, he knows who he is, and what he capable of. Unfortunately, he didn't share this, when he was parading you around like a girlfriend.


This guy is not your friend. In time, you will see this.

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This is why you can never assume you are in a relationship with someone; unless you have "the talk" and establish officially that you are a couple, you are still both single and just "hanging out". Honestly, while I do see why you would feel led on, I don't think what he did was that horrible, because he never committed to you, he never said you were his girlfriend, and probably assumed that you were ok with things as they were, since years ago you told him you weren't ready for a relationship with him (which he probably took as you not being all that interested in anything more than friendship).

It doesn't mean he was dating that girl while he was with you, but if he didn't have romantic feelings for you, I don't see it as odd that he'd already have a girlfriend now.

I think it's just a case of bad timing and miscommunication, and of a guy who liked you but not enough to make a relationship out of this. It happens all the time unfortunately.

It's painful losing a friend, it really is, but since there is nothing you can do about it, all you can do is try to put everything behind you and let yourself heal.

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