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Hair gets smelly during the day... Help???

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OK so heres my problem...


I take a shower every morning and wash my hair thorougly. However, by about lunchtime at school my hair starts smelling pretty bad. You can notice it from like 2 feet away. This has been going on for about a few months now, and is kind of a turn-off I would imagine. I suppose its oil in my hair from puberty and all and itll go away in a few years but i really dont want to wait that long. Ive tried several champu's, and none of them do the job. Does anyone know of a champu or hairspray or something that will stay in my hair and prevent the smell? I've tried putting axe in my hair, which works ok, but then people ask why im wearing so much axe. Mebbe something like an alcohol- hairspray that'll de-smellify my hair, but isnt scented, that i can use it like in the bathroom during lunch?


Specific names or links would be great. Thanks!

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Do you play sports at school? Is it possibly sweat causing the odor?


I think if it's smelling that bad (as in smelling it from 2 feet away), you should really ask your doctor about it.


What is the smell like exactly? Is it a body odor-like smell, or does it smell like some chemical? These are questions I would think about, and take them to the doctor with you. Have a clear explanation of exactly what's happening. It could be some kind of medical issue.


As far as shampoos and such, you could try Neutrogena's T-Gel. It's also a dandruff shampoo, which gives a tingle factor and extracts which moisten the scalp. It's a medicated shampoo which was really popular when I was working at a pharmacy (does not require prescription). I would imagine it works since so many people were using it. I've provided a link:


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In any case, good luck.

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i'm not an expert or anything on this, but here's my suggestion. use a shampoo that is not something like volumizing or extra shine or anything like that. i would reccomend head and shoulders, the classic clean kind. make sure you wash it out VERY thoroughly. do not use conditioner, because that will probably make your hair more oily. try blowdrying your hair afterwards; even if it doesn't help with this issue, it will make your hair look a lot shinier and healthier. good luck!

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I guess Im thinking medical problem because I've never heard of this being a puberty problem. I have two older brothers and many male friends and I've never heard or smelled it.


If the problem persists after you try some other shampoos, I would still go to the doctor. Hair shouldn't smell that bad 3-4 hours after a shower.


Good Luck!

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I guess Im thinking medical problem because I've never heard of this being a puberty problem. I have two older brothers and many male friends and I've never heard or smelled it.


If the problem persists after you try some other shampoos, I would still go to the doctor. Hair shouldn't smell that bad 3-4 hours after a shower.


Good Luck!

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hmmm... that's hard. Maybe you're overwashing your hair which is causing your scalp to overcompensate by producing too much oil! My face breaks out during the winter because it's so dry outside, and my skin is overcompensating.


Do you have long hair? Is that why you think your hair smells? Ask your mom or dad if they think your hair smells.


You may want to use a tiny bit of conditioner just to moisturize.

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