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what should i do!!

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what should i do. Alright I met this guy a couple months ago. and we have grew really close as far as friendship. and it seems as if he never had a g/f. but i have went through alot and he was always there to help me through it. all the bad times i had he was there. opened doors an waited for girls. and it seems as if he likes me alot. BUt im not physically attractive to him. i want a guy as nice as him but i dk. what would you guys do. date him for his attitude or no cuz u werent physically attractive to him. I dont know i need help!!!!!!!1

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this is kinda a hard question to answer, but I have dated guys that I weren't really all that attracted to. But in time, I became attracted to them because of what a good person they were. I know your younger but you can also look at it this way, he'll look great standing next to you.

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I don't think the fact he has never had a girlfriend counts for anything at all. You did mention it, so maybe it was playing on your mind. But it doesn't really matter, especially at your ages.


As for his looks, remember it's most likely he can't really do anything about them. When it comes to a successful relationship, most people end up looking past they way their partners look and find that the way they are treated becomes far more relevant.


At 16 it's not really as if anything you do now is somehow going to carve in stone your long term future or even your medium term future or force you into some sort of binding commitment. Certainly very long term relationships can develop from that age, but personally I would instead view this as an opportunity get to know someone else.


He certainly sounds like he knows how to treat a partner, and for me that is the most important thing. Plus, if you do actually end up developing strong feelings for him, you will find his lack of physical attractiveness to you will probably disappear. You will suddenly see him in a different light.

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He sounds like a good friend, and I think he should stay just that for now - a friend. If you begin dating him, you just might hurt his feelings if you never feel attracted to him, and lose a friend in the process. However, others are right about the fact that you could become attracted to him later.


When I first met my current b/f when I was 15, I was not attracted to him. He had a goatee (and I despise facial hair) and I was interested in another guy at the time. We remained friends for a few years, and eventually started dating when I was 18. The facial hair is gone, and I'm definitely attracted to him (I wouldn't have been with him for 6.5 years without being attracted to him...). Anyway, I'm really glad we didn't date when I first met him. We probably would have just dated briefly, then never talked again - and I would have been deprived of the most rewarding relationship of my life.


If you're not attracted to him, my vote is to just remain friends..... for now at least.

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