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Might Be Pregnant. Plz reply ASAP


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It's about 4 pm right now. Sometime around 2 am this morning I had sex. We didn't use a condom, but I'm on the pill. The problem with that is a little while back I got sick, and I might have thrown up my pill that day. And you only have to miss 1 pill to get pregnant. He came inside of me. I'm really really worried. This guy isn't even my boyfriend. I know, it was stupid of me. What I'm needing to know is what options do i have as far as emergency contraception goes? The morning after pill or whatever...I have no way to get that tonight. What else?? Please reply ASAP.



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if you threw up your pill before you had sex, you should have really read the intructions of what to do. the best thing to do is to get hold of emergency contraception. you can take it up to 72hours after you had sex. go to the doctors asap and they can advice you further


i hope it works out for you


qt xxx

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If it was a week or two ago that you vomited up the pill you are probably not going to get pregnant but you can def. pick up the morning after pill for up to 72 hours (3 days) after sexual intercourse. You can call your gyn. or any planned parenthood or healthquarters type clinic.


The bad news is if you can't get it directly from a clinic there are now some states that have passed legislation allowing individual pharmacies to decide if ethically they want to fill your precription from your gyn. for this pill, so basically your fate could be in some druggist's hands who doesn't think you should take the pill.


I advise to first try a planned parenthood type clinic where they can dispense it directly to you and skip the pharmacy altogether.

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The others have said basically everything I would have about the morning after pill. However, just to remind you the pill is not 100% effective. thereforeeee, even if you were taking if properly and didn't throw up, you could still get pregnant. I think that to stay on the safe side you should really consider using a condom as well. I know many people who have gotten pregnant even though they were on the pill and taking it properly.


Also keep in mind that the pill doesn't protect you against stds, so hopefully you at least know this guy well enough to know where he's been in his sexual life. You don't want to risk it with stds. I mean it only takes one time to catch one and honestly its going to be hard to find someone who is willing to risk their own health to have sex with you. Just keep that in mind. Sex is fun when you take the right steps.

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if u threw up the pill a few weeks ago & had sex like today, dont stress over it. wait until your period. theres no sense worrying about it NOW! plus the more you stress the more of a chance of your period being late or watever. then youre gonna be really bugging out.


just calm down & think next time! youre 15 im almost positive you dont have the means to tend to a child at this point in your life. or deal w/ an STD. some ADULTS wouldnt be able to handle it, let alone a girl in highschool.


act responsibily next time. you wanna play like an adult, sometimes you have to suffer the consequences of being an adult.



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listen you need to stop!! morning after pill only works up to 72 hrs after sex. i heard form people who took it that it makes you sick it has terrible effects on your body for a few days. you need to stop & think & quit being so spontaneous & irrational! thats what got you in this problem to begin with. dont get the pill. chill out! youre more than likely not pregnant!



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Well - you did have sex w/o a condom and you did miss a pill last week - that is actually enough to get pregnant. I know people that have missed a pill or 2 and then gotten pregnant.


I would seriously consider the morning after pill. You have 72 hours after the sex to take it. Yes, it does make some people really really sick for a day or 2. But, better than getting pregnant at 15. I have a friend that took the morning after pill and she didn't get sick at all.


Look in the phone book, call a local hospital. Many have a 24 hour nurses' hotline where you can talk to a nurse for free. You should get yourself to the doctor tomorrow. Skip school.


also, you may consider going to link removed, just to get some more info.


But, this is a personal decision. Make sure that you know all the side effects and consequences of every possible decision. But do it soon!

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i know you are worried. first you need to relax a bit.

regardless of what anyone here has said about you not taking the morning pill, don't listen to it. you are just putting your self at a higher risk of the chances of being pregnant. if it screws up your system, then it screws it up, it will get back on track soon.


it is better safe than sorry. i live in the uk and the mornign after pill costs £25 from the pharmacy but i think you might be able to get it for free if you go to the doctors and ask for it.


i really hope it works out for you and just try your best to keep calm about it.


dont think about what might happen if you are just now, just take the actions you need.


i hope it goes ok for you

dont worry,promise it will be ok


qt xxx

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