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tempted to break nc


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been 2 months since not speaking to my ex...it's been a month since I found out she's now engaged. part of me doesn't think she's truly happy tho. I wanna contact her to let her know i'm thinking about her. b/c I am...everyday...and I dream of her often. is this a sign to contact her? should I break nc?

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she talked about getting engaged to me after the first month! I think it's something she feels she needs to do b/c of her age. she said she could be engaged but that doesn't mean we have to get married for a while. so she's probably doing to him what she did to me. talked about getting engaged, being together forever blah blah blah...he's a loser/sucker that believed all that. I took enough time and waited and look what happened BANG we broke up...I bet they won't last. 6 months and engaged isn't true love, it's just 2 desperate attention seeking people thinking they have to. thinking they want to b/c they are in the honeymoon phase. lets see a year from now where they are

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shows her character tho, to just pick up and leave then get engaged so fast. shows me the floozy she really is. she's his problem now tho


I wanna contact her to let her know i'm thinking about her. b/c I am...everyday


Apparently it is still your problem too.

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