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No contact


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You can do two things. First you can make plans with friends and/or family to keep your mind off things as much as possible. Second, try and find yourself a "call pal" who you can call or text every time you feel the urge to contact your ex. It's only been seven days so don't be too hard on yourself, it's still very hard at this stage and you are doing well! Trust that it will get easier over time. It's day 13 of NC for me and it feels easier than a week ago.

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Yes, the weekend will be tough because you're breaking out of your couple cycle. There are ways to keep yourself distracted (besides drinking ha).


You need to book all your weekends in advance. Can you do brunch with a friend and dinner with another? Reach out to friends you haven't seen in awhile. Reach out to relatives in the area. Have dinner with your parents. Go volunteer. Work extra shifts at work. Even ping random Facebook friends that you're on good terms with but haven't seen in a while.


1. Keep your time occupied with other people

2. Plan activities so that day and night time are booked

3. Do things outside of the house, alone if necessary but not if you wallow

4. Don't go back to places you went to as a couple, if you MUST, do it with other people, not alone


It's gonna suck and you'll be walking around depressed while you're doing some of these things. I sometimes felt like I was just a walking shell. But you HAVE to otherwise you'll be tempted to contact them or even hang out with them.

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I know what are you Guys feeling. The last things we talked about with my ex is being friends. But i told her i can't since i have feelings for her and she is seeing someone else. I am going no contact with her it is day 2 for me! I don't have the urge to text her though but feelings alone and sad. So yeah it is hard!

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