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It's been a while since I've been on here,but I had a question and wanted to get some of your opinions before I attempt to talk to my ex...She broke up with me a little over a year ago.Last time I talked to her was in March.I was curious what any of you think if it's a good idea to break no contact after 10 months or stay away for good? Don't know if her reaction will be positive or negative,but whatever it is,I can handle it.Any advice will be appreciated.



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Hey man,


the only reason i will contact my ex is if i am ready to hear that she is seeing someone new....if i can except that and i am in a new happy realtionship, then i may be able to break no contact. Otherwise, the pain will be too great and just throw me back into a tail spin.

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I guess the question you need to ask yourself is: why? It's been a long time since you spoke to her. What do you hope will come out of you contacting her? Once you figure that out, then you can decide if its the right thing to do or if it will just cause you pain.

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Thanks Everyone for your advice.I decided that I'm not going to contact her and continue moving on without her.There is no reason for me to contact her because I know that she may be a cold-hearted bi***that she was when she broke up with me.


I'm not going to give her the pleasure of tormenting my mind and let her think that's she is still coming out on top.


Thanks again.

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