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I just wanted to share with the people on this forum who have been there when I thought I had no body. Thank-you.


My boyfriends ex has been living with his parents for 14 years. 9 of which my boyfriend and her have not been together.

We raise her child. She has next to nothing to do with him. We are 100% financially responsible for him and the other two children we have. We are also responsible for his parents bills as our company pays them.

therefore, We have been paying for his ex to live as it is all from our company. Frustrating!


She left!! She left on her own!!


We have been trying to figure out how to get her out without her dragging the child into the middle but she very secretly up and left.


In the meantime, she did so to try to sucker an elderly woman out of a piece of property that she was hoping to move into. She told everyone who would listen that her exboyfriends parents were going to kick her out and she was about to be homeless.......the poor dear

The elderly lady goes to church with my father in law and knew the difference It was too late, she had most of her stuff moved.

The elderly lady cut the power to the old house...it can not be hooked up now that it has been disconnected until aprox. $20 000 of upgrades and an inspection is done.


THat's it. After 14 years of living off us she's gone! She had to move her things into her sisters basement. The two have a very toxic relationship and I fear their greed toward each other and the world will cut that arrangement short.

Not our issue unless she comes crawling back...please god we will avoid that and my soon to be inlaws won't have a change of heart or try to do the nice thing.


My only concern is she no longer has a bedroom or any furniture for the child. As a mother, I don't understand how someone could up and leave with no plan for their child. I worry that he will feel abandoned by his mother.


But for now we're happy and can try to start to have a normal life.


Thank-you for your support and opinions as I was dealing with this.

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