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Would really appreciate opinions/advice!


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Unfortunately, I have to agree with most of the crew, the guy above me excepted. He's been pretty consistent that he doesn't see a romantic future with you and wants you as a friend. Since you clearly aren't capable of being that right now due to feelings, you need to back off, which is seems you've done. But I think you are projecting your feelings onto him, which is the biggest mistake you can make. Two people can feel different ways about the same thing and there's really nothing you can do to make him see your view, and vice versa.


Your previous romantic relationship is currently null and void. If his mind was a computer, your relationship was basically deleted and put in the recycle bin. Only him and him alone can restore it or delete it permanently. There's nothing you can do, and sticking around as his buddy right now would basically be the equivalent of eating broken glass. You need to be completely recovered from the relationship and open to never ever ever having a romantic relationship with him or feelings for him before you can be his friend.


I know all of this sounds harsh and I know you are grasping onto every possible life-vest to keep your hope alive, but losing that hope and moving forward in your life will be much more beneficial. That hope is an anchor weighing you down and delaying your acceptance of the reality of the situation. It's up to him to come after you if he chooses, and right now, he seems to have very little interest in that.

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Thank you TallnDark20! Any relationships that have been over in the past I have accepted them. This one just seems most important but who knows, I dont care if it sounds cheesy but I know by how he looked at me and looked out for me right up until things got awkward over this. You don't just forget people like that when someone new comes along! Anyway, I can't 100% cut him out as we work together and have the same friend group, but mostly the working together thing. Thank you for all your opinions, this is definitely the first relationship I have been struggling with.

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I'm sorry to hear that you are struggling with this whole situation... you must accept that he is in a new relationship now and probably he is very happy to be with this girl, otherwise he would have already showed interest back to you. I guess because you said he is a shy person he didn't show you that he was hurt while you were dating with many other different guys... you have to realize that he probably went through this though path too while you were dating out with guys without telling you, I'm sure of this because I went exactly through the same thing, then at some point while I was in the healing process I fell in love with another girl that I met by accident and suddenly all the feelings I had with the previous one were just gone.

I would suggest to not contact him anymore even though you kind of working together, you just gonna push him farther if you show him that you still love him...

Good luck anyway and hope that you'll feel better soon..

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