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I met a guy through friends a year ago and I really liked him and he liked me. In November we spent time together with the mutual friends. He said to keep in touch but I backed off and didn't keep in touch as there was a rumour he had met someone. Recently he has invited me to weekends away with these mutual friends which I have been to one this weekend. Last night we didn't really speak, its like there is awkwardness but there were times we spoke and had a laugh. We looked at each other throughout the night as if it was a look why it hadn't happened. Then at the end of the night he asked if I was coming away for Easter and then gave me a hug and hugged my waist. When we said goodnight he leant in for a long chest hug and kissed my cheek. Is he interested?

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Would say there is attraction, no one could physically go near someone unless there was something there between you both. One thing I will say, which I remind myself of every time there's a guy that gives you 'guessing games' - the right guy will put in the effort and I mean the effort where you won't need to ask yourself these questions, it will be clear. Hold out for that, don't settle for crumbs or guessing games, the right guy wouldn't risk losing you to another guy in the mean time, he would know what he wants, he would give you what you deserve, equal partnership. Hold out for that, from experience, trust that the universe has more for you, and they will be the reason why guys like this don't work out, why they are vague, why you never really know....it won't be until after you look back, you will realise this.

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Unless he's reading the situation wrong. If he perceives she's not interested he just might go the safe friend route because he doesn't want to make things awkward. The concept of reciprocation is an important one. Men will usually make their intentions clear if they believe a woman's intentions are clear. It goes both ways. Often it isn't a game, it's confusion and vulnerability.


OP if you are interested try to make it known. If he doesn't respond, then you'll have your answer.

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