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would u believe or trust him?

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would you believe ur trust your boyfriend if he swore he was telling you the truth about someting and even put his hand on a holy bible and sweared to God that what he told you about a certian situation was true?


say you didn't believe him but he kept saying it was the truth and then he swore to God on a bible it was the truth.


should i trust and believe?

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It depends on the person. Some people will swear they're telling you the truth and lie, and some would never dream of it. If it were my boyfriend, I would believe him without a doubt. Of course, I don't know what your situation is...Has he ever lied to you before?

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Without trust in a relationship you have nothing at all. Do you want to always doubt anything and everything he says in the future ? That could drive a person any person "nuts". You are not trusting him for a reason, something else is going on. What happened to make you not trust him ? If you feel you can tell us, maybe we could help you have a better perspective on the situation.


Warm Regards




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If a guy doesn't have enough morals or ethics to be truthful, then he'd lie on anything-- the bible or his mother's grave.


The show and dance is just a show a dance. Make him PROVE he hasn't lied and the truth will be revealed.


Being in the Criminal Justice field I generally take a more cynical view of people and rely more on hard evidence than a person's word. Too many people lie in this world for absolutely no reason... so what's to keep a person from lying who HAS a reason to lie?


Gather the evidence and judge for yourself.

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i think you should believe him.. and emphasize it to him.. i mean that you believe him.. if he saw how you trust him yet he's just cheating on you.. he will positively feel the guilt..


But unfortunately, when you MAKE someone feel guilty they get angry in response. So guilt tripping someone with whom you want a continuing relationship just complicates matters.

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i am a negative person so i say believe him.

but it's dificult, i am in the same situation.

my bf promised me to stop with s.th. i dislike very much and he sounds so sincere and honest that i'm tendenced to trust him.

but on the other hand there is that little voice in my head that says: it's inpossible he stand his promise, he can't speak the thruth but he wants to make you feel to believe him.

so i am doubting, but i think until innocence has proved.



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Ask yourself this...has he ever given you any real reason in the past to not trust his word??


Trust has to start somewhere. It is the foundation in which lasting relationships are built on.


Proceed with caution though. You haven't given us much detail as to why he is asking you to trust him. For me, I think it would depend on the situation.


Be careful.

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