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Everything posted by faithehopelove

  1. okay yeah my b/f has lied to me before about having another email address and about going to bad sites and stuff. he is swearing that he dont have anymore addresses now since i found out about that one and that he dont go to those sites anymore. also he is swearing that he don't go to personal sites anymore either. but we were talking on messenger the other day and he kept copying and pasting a sentence he asked me when i didnt answer right away. and then he posted this personal ad. and i said what was that? he goes, it was a spam email i was getting rod of in my email. he accidently posted it ot messenger. he said he hit reply and cut the message to delete it b4 replying to be removed from the spam thingy. the thing is i see an ad on yahoo personals that sounds just like him - and i would use a fake handle to test him to see if it is, but you have to be a memeber to do that and i have no creidt card or anything to join. i was wondering if anyone here has a premium account for yahoo personals? if so would you please tell me what handle that is on that personal ad so i can investigate it to see if it is my guy? i will pay you $5 or whatever you think it's worth just to give me the handle for that personal ad. cause if i end things w/him i want to have evidence. just so i know the truth myself. thank you.
  2. would you believe ur trust your boyfriend if he swore he was telling you the truth about someting and even put his hand on a holy bible and sweared to God that what he told you about a certian situation was true? say you didn't believe him but he kept saying it was the truth and then he swore to God on a bible it was the truth. should i trust and believe?
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