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Did she ever like me or was she leading me on?


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There is this girl I met in class who I would catch staring and smiling every time I would arrive to class until I got her number. Anyways, a week passes by and we continue texting more, she never gave me short answers and would always reciprocate. I got the courage to ask her out to do something and she said yes. Our first "date" was at the theater (Yes, bad place to go) and well we didn't talk much because we just watched the movie. It ended and here is where I made my first mistake. I asked her out and she said she didn't know and wanted to get to know me better by going out more often.


That same week we text even more and get to know each other more. She also seemed more comfortable talking to me as well. Friday came up and I texted her at night when she wanted to go out again. She said whenever I wanted and this is where I made another mistake. I told her that since tomorrow was Valentines day, we could go out another day since I didn't want it to be awkward or anything. She got mad and said that if I didn't want to feel "compromised", to take her out some other day. I apologized and say that Valentines day it is.


We go out to eat and have a good time. We agree to go to the theater and we do so. Halfway through the movie, she moves more to my side and rests her head on my shoulder. I react quickly and ask her if I should remove the arm rest and she agrees. We hug for the rest of the movie and hold hands afterwards. Later that night we part ways and hug. We hug again and try and go for a kiss and she didn't try to do the same and didn't quite get a kiss. Later that night I text her asking why she didn't try doing so and laughed it off and said because she wasn't expecting it. I proceed to text her good night my love and never get a response back until next morning when she said good morning and that's it.


I text her saying that I was sorry if i made her feel uncomfortable last night and she shoots me a wall of text saying how she hasn't gotten over her ex and how she is sorry and want's to remain friends for now and is not sure about the future. Last night I told her that I was still bummed out about that night. She said she was sorry and feels bad. I told her that it was my fault for ever thinking she liked me back and she said that it was never her intention to make me think that. She then said she didn't want to talk about that and that was it. I’m confused. Why would she agree to go on dates with me in the first place? Let alone the fact that she get mad for not wanting to go on valentines? Was she just looking for a valentines date and nothing else?

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Was she just looking for a valentines date and nothing else?


That would appear to be a part of it.


1. Also, 2 movie dates is not the way to get to know someone.

2. Sending a "good night my love" text after the second date.

3. Sending apology text about making her uncomfortable (hint --- she wasn't uncomfortable, she just didn't want to kiss you)


Chalk it up to 3 strikes and you're out.

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Bro all you need to know is that she is not over her ex. Yes she agreed to go on dates, its her way to see if she is ready to date or not. I would not put all of your eggs in one basket, be kind and friendly to her. She was upfront and honest with you. You're in school, plenty of opportunities so go at it.

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I know. But I had no intentions of doing anything like that on valentines and shes the one who initiated. That plus telling me if I didn't want to feel "compromised" confused me. Why would she say that the day before, then the next day lean her head on me then all of a sudden go cold. How is that of me of not hitting it off the park? Looks to me like she was trying to move forward then somehow I messed it up with trying to kiss her and the texts afterwards?

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Ok --- is there anything you can do about what already happened? No. So let it go.


You messed it up with trying to kiss too fast, apologizing, texting about the awkward.


text her asking why she didn't try doing so and laughed it off and said because she wasn't expecting it. I proceed to text her good night my love and never get a response back until next morning when she said good morning and that's it.


Ugg. Not only do you not get the kiss, but you then ask her why not. Not cool.



Learn and move on.

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