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Firstly, HOW THE HELL DOES THIS THING WORK? I've been doing it for about maybe more than a year and acne always comes back. I thought to myself that I might be doing it wrong or I'm one of those people that just doesn't work for. Now I've changed some of my ways since last year and I've been more dedicated this year.

Usually what I do, is: (I've recently started doing this routine)

Morning, wake up - shower; apply clearasil before leaving to goto school.

After school, get home(3:30~4:00ish) - wash face, wait 5 minutes; apply clearasil.

Night (7~8ish) shower, after shower apply clearasil.

Is this how I should do it? am I doing something wrong?

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Well, clearisil should be killing the bacteria on your skin that contribute to acne. Clearisil can also dry your skin - so you might even be breaking out because you are over-drying your skin. First of all, don't pick your face! That will just spread the infection. You are 15, so acne is normal at your age. You may want to go to a dermatologist to see what type of cleansing regimine they recommend.


I used to use tetracycline for my acne, but it made me feel really sick. Once I started going to an aestecitian for regular facials to clean up my skin, my acne got much better.


Keep it clean!

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I used to have acne at school, and went to a dermatologist. They prescribed a drug called Roacutaine. It is very strong, dries your skin out so much it becomes flakey. But you use it for 6 months and you never get acne again.


A bit of advice is, keep your face clean by not touching it often with your hands, don't rest your chin on your hands and wash your HANDS often.


Don't wash your face too often, you are taking out the natural moisturisers of your skin, and that couses your pores to try and make extra oils to supplement it, and that causes more acne!


I hope yours clear up soon!

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Yes going to your doctor/GP is a good idea if your acne hasn't gone over that period of time, I know mine was really good and didn't treat it as if it was just something I had to wait and grow out of.


Small word of warning however: I was also proscribed roaccutane and while I was absolutely fine it has been linked to some reports of suicidal/depressive behaviour amongst those that have taken it.

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There is always special precautions and warnings to these drugs, but since this is such a well regulated drug, it is only prescribed when monitored carefully. There is all kinds of dangers, if you are a girl, you would have to undergo a pregnancy test, and be on a contraceptive etc. I am sure there are other drugs out there that works as well, with less precautions.


Bottom Line - See your dermatologist!

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There are many acne treatments and what you go on depends upon the severity of your case. Roaccutane (aka Accutane) is a very powerful drug that shrinks the sebaceous glands in the skin, but it has a lot of side effects, is bad for your liver (you'll have to have blood tests before you go on it), your lips and eyes dry out while on it and it may not work. Roaccutane really is only for severe and persistent cases of chronic acne. Mild acne can be treated with topical solutions that contain alcohol, antibiotics, benzoyle peroxide etc... and they are good. For moderate acne a lot of doctors might prescribe antibiotics, but, a word of warning, this is not a long term solution, and, if you have chronic acne, can make things worse. There are also plenty of other things you can try. Tea tree oil as a topical solution works very well, as does witch hazel and zinc has been reported to have good effects. If you have any more problems go to link removed where you'll find a lot of good advice.

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Umm sasha isn't competely correct, while a little acne- a few pimples eveynow and again is normal as a teen, anything more than that should warrant going to see a dermatologist. Because even small amounts of acne can leave scars that last a life time, plus acne doesn't always go away when you get older, I know I'm almost 21 and still battle acne on a constant basis, and many adults do their entire life.



On another note, for me going to the dermatologist didn't help a whole lot, I tried several different antibotics combined with different topicals perscribed by my doc, and it never did any better than the stuff I was getting over the counter.....but a lot of the antibotics would dry out my skin, eyes, would give me extreme nausa....dizzyness....and lot of other complications......After a while I gave up on him and just when back to OTC's(over the counter) meds


Now I don't want to sound like an advertisement, but I just recently(about 6 months ago) Started using that proactive system that you see advertised on tv all the time.....I thought what the heck it was no more expensive than what I was paying after ins. cost at the dermatologist.


my results so far have been pretty good, I can keep my acne to a minimum(maybe 1-2 pimples a week) and have far fewer break outs, and I also heal a lot faster.


the basic kit has three parts

a face wash

a toner

and the actual treatment


I think I pay somewhere around ~$30 for a months supply, which usually last me more like a month and a half......


I know that there are some other products similar to this out there but this is the one I went with first and has had the best results of any product so far.....my g/f tried it and it didn't do much for her....I think they advertise now something about a 1 month guarantee so I guess you can get your $ back if it doesn't work......


Good luck

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Honestly, if you want a great treatment that works for a lot of people and is very cheap, go to link removed and read Dan's regimen. It costs very little and will leave you completely clear. You don't even have to buy the stuff from him, you can get it from a chemist.

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I struggled with acne for years, YEARS! I still struggle with it now. It wasn't until late last year that I wondered why I got it so bad.


I remember trying all the creams, lotions when I was a teenager. None of them helped and my doc never sent me to a specialist about it.


After going, the specialist said I had rosacea (which my father also has). I had the version of it that is not just red face but acne also. I'm on some topic medicine (tried pills to kill the 'bacteria' infection under my skin but they made me have a severe headache), use certain types of approved for rosacea sufferers cleansing washes or balancers. She also has me on "Replenix Cream" which works well. it is kind of expensive, but I use it on and off when my face gets really bad and the normal treatment doesn't seem to be working.


She says I look much better, but I really can't tell a difference. Atleast I know my face isn't like this because of something I do (not food related) but something I have to deal with.

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