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He's invited me round to his


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I wrote a post yesterday about the possibility of us getting back together.

We were together for 3 years. Been broken up for just over 2 months and were NC for 1 of those months.

We broke up over a silly argument that went too far and could have been solved.

He tried to reach out to me after the break up but because I was hurt I ignored it and was focusing on moving on.


Anyway we bumped into one another and he was talking about us getting married some day in a few years (as a joke I'm not sure) and just stuff like that, he asked if I was seeing anyone and told me he wasn't either, he was making stupid excuses to touch me and kept saying oh sorry I forgot we're not together anymore. He hugged me goodbye and asked to be friends and we've been messaging ever since. We've spoken every day over the past few days, and he's normally the one to start the conversation.


Anyway I was talking to him about doing my cbt because I'm looking at getting a motorcycle soon and he's got one too so I was just asking some questions about it which he got really enthusiastic about. Saying how cool it'd be if I got one and that he'd invite me out on rides with him and his friends and just kept saying how good it would be.


He then invited me over to his house to show me some things on his bike, and we've arranged to meet to do just that in 2 weeks time. And he said how fun it's going to be to show me. He sent me a kiss on one of the messages too which I ignored in case he sent it by mistake.


I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much. Because neither of us have said anything about reconciling, we've both just said that we'll try and be friends. My friends seem to think that maybe it's more than just friends because he's invited me over, and maybe he'll make a move but I'm not so sure.


I would like to reconcile but I'm struggling to decifer how he's feeling. I guess I won't know for sure until he actually says he wants me back, but I don't want to ask or tell him that's what I want yet just incase I push him away, I don't want to push for too much too soon because he's a guy that likes to take things slow.


So the question is do you think he might possibly want to reconcile in the future?

And what should I do from here?

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Nobody can tell you whether he wants to reconcile or not, but the best thing you can do is be yourself and when you meet him, have fun. Just make extra sure you don't have sex with him, if you do, you can kiss any chance of reconciling good bye, because you will cross into the FWB, booty call territory.


As long as you don't declare your feelings for him and keep sex completely out of the equation, and have fun, you'll be ok and who knows, you two may be able to re-ignite the spark. But I cannot stress enough how important it is for you not to have sex with him (nor promise him sex the next time you see him). This way you'll be able to tell if he's interested in you and rekindling things with you, or he is just going through a dry spell and needs to get laid.

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