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My EX and I .. a short story & some advice please :(


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My EX decided to break up with me in November of last year, the first week I had to pester her to try and get answers as she was being very very fickle in the weeks leading up to the break up. After I got a final answer I accepted defeat and tried to let go, a couple of weeks went by I thought she wasn't even worth it and everything was going fine, she had got into a rebound relationship rather quickly and notably so did I to try and get rid of these feelings of anger betrayal etc etc, then on Christmas Eve she messages my new GF's friend on FB and asks to speak to me as I had her blocked her, I told them to tell her I didn't want to speak to her. She then says "If you knew him as much as you think you do you'd know he would want to know about this", Alarm bells ringing .. She then proceeds to say "If he doesn't want to know then he will have nothing to do with it" alarm bells ringing EVEN MORE!! So I had to unblock her to find out she thought she was pregnant, now I believe her on this because there has been a few times in our nearly 2 year relationship where she thought she was pregnant before and we begin to talk again she comes to my uncles house with me where we are having a kind of after christmas party on boxing day. She asks me if I was still with the new GF & I said no because I knew it wasn't going anywhere so I told her No because I wanted her back bearing in mind I was still with the rebound and she was still with hers, she finds out I was lying & tells me she doesn't want to speak to me any more. So I then just keep things going with my rebound and she does the same and I get some(lol). Then after New Year my new GF decides it isn't going to work & me and my ex start speaking again but I deliberately ed with her head because she ed with mine and then I blocked her. I unblocked her again last Sunday and the whole of last week we were sitting together and she went to the rebounds and told her rebound she was getting back with me. We were with each other basically the whole of last week and on Saturday Morning we had a massive argument and now she won't speak to me again blocked me on EVERYTHING, Facebook, my number & BBM. So I don't have a clue what to do now? I want her back because I feel like we had an amazing time during last week and we could get it back to the way it was & I know she still loves me but she acts like she hates me because of how pissed off she is with me but I just don't know if she will come back or not? Any ideas on what to do now? I am not going to lie I am attached to this girl because we were friends for 4 years before hand & I love her so so much so I am not going to go away without a fight or unless she tells me she doesn't love me anymore which I know she does, but she is also confused because she probably has some sort of feelings for this new because "he was there for her when I couldn't be" but I know that her rebound can't compare to me, a guy who she has been in love with the last 2 years and had feelings for even longer you know?

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I played games with her because at the time when I done it I didn't want to get back with her and done it to get to her because it felt like she done it to me but last week we were being honest and trying to sort it but one argument later she goes running straight back to him(dont have any proof just assuming)

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Two questions. Is she pregnant? Why did she break up with you in the first place? It's kind of pointless to keep playing games with each other (even if she's initiating some of them). I think you need to talk to her about what you want. If she doesn't want to stop playing games and try again, then what's the point? She will just end up hurting you.

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The games will not only get old, they'll defeat any option in getting back together. At this point, you both need to walk away and stop rebounding with other people's emotions. This is already toxic, so I personally don't see any value in reconnecting any time soon. Enjoy being single for a while and leave the idea of a relationship alone until it looks like you are actually in one worth your time.

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