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Update - NO CONTACT.


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Hi guys, it's been ages since I last posted, I've been so busy which is a good thing in these situations.


I promised I would update on my current no contact rule/feelings.


You can read my previous posts on what happened, but basically I left my 4/5 year (on and off) abusive ex on the 17th October.

I have only had one encounter where I had to unblock him off facebook and message him about my stuff I had left at his apartment (PC, game consoles, Bits of memories from years before) To find out he had changed his profile picture to another girl (I later found out she was a old friend, but he doesn't know I knew this) and so I messaged him cool and casual 'Hi, Can you let me have a friend round to pick up my stuff please, you can even leave it outside' I later got a reply saying he basically had thrown it all out, I just asked 'Okay, well please post my pictures, and also block me on here as I cannot block you, thanks' I still hasn't recieved recieved the pictures....It was really hard to hold my anger towards him on how he could just throw and sell my stuff away just like that, but instead of biting back and going mad via facebook, I just left if, I've had to deal with losing quite a few un-placable things, but I'm so proud I kept my cool and at least I still have my dignity, which unlike the other stuff, I can't replace sanity. Within one hour he had took the picture of him and the girl off his facebook and put it back to just him, this made me realize that he was only using that photo to get my attention - idiot.


So apart from that 3 minutes facebook swap of messages, I have had no futher contact, no texts, no phoncalls, no emails, no voicemails. All in all it's been over 2 months. it's still early days but with the new year coming along I'm more determined than ever. I hope this helps.


Hope you have a good new year! Stay strong and remember, they will never change. x

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