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How soon is too soon?


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Ok, so i started going back to school on monday, i have a fifth period (normally in my school we have four) anyway monday i didnt go to my fifth because i didnt want to. basicley. and tuesday, wednesday and today, i went to the fifth. their is this girl, who i sit behind. i like. on tusday we talked a little bit. out fifth is a math prep class. and we talked about math. yesterday we talked a little bit more but same thing, about math.. then today (awhile ago actually) we talked almost all period. today i got to know her. shes 16, from austraillia, lived in california for like 2 years. plays piano (i could go on and on from what i learned about her today) anyway. before class was over. i asked if she walked home, she said yea (she lives a little near me) i get rides home. i was going to ask if she wanted one. but i didnt because im sure it would be weird. and i know she would say no. because she dosnt know me that well.


yea well i mean if today is the first actual day we talked. would you guys think that me walking her home tomarrow is too soon? i would like to ask her out. but i know its way too early. im posting this in the asking for a date forum because i want to work up to that status.


oh theirs also a detail i left out.

before we went our seprate ways (she leaves through the back, i leave through the front) i asked her if she was doiing anything today, and she said no. i asked if she wanted to do something today. she said no she cant because why would be busy, and that she is usually busy. what does this mean? should i back off and just be an aquantince? and if not. and if i do walk home with her tomarrow,(i live before her so i would end up leaving her, me actually going to her house might be weird) but anyway should i ask for her # before i go to my house? or is it too soon?


confused. ~

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She could be busy with homework, or just not comfortable enough with you to spend extended alone time with you.


Either way, if you really live that close together, I don't see anything wrong with asking to walk her home (long as you're keeping it casual for a little while), getting in some nice conversation on the way...

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I think walking her home would be a good idea. It gives you the chance to talk some more and get to be friends before you ask her out. If you seem to hit it off with another good conversation, go ahead and walk with her. Just keep it casual, be nice, and don't try to rush anything.

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