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Two months over,one month nc

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I just still can't believe he ended it. I know it's his right but to do it the way he did and be so cold since is beyond me. It just isn't the person I was in love wi th and even then I can't seem to deal with it. I get angry now but still miss him. He's been in touch a few times but it's as you all here would call 'breadcumbs'. I still can't help but want him back but know it's not going to happen. Family are frustrated that I get so bogged down with it on the weekends but again I can't help it. I'm keeping busy when I can and funds will allow but everything still reminds me of him and then gets my thoughts and memories going around and around. Just doesn't seem fair. It being Christmas doesn't help. Especially when we had plans for new year and in the new year. Just such a bizarre roller coaster that I wish I could get off. Even now wish I'd never met him. Thank you for allowing me to vent.

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I'm sorry you're going through this pain DaisyHope but your situation is certainly hopeful for a better future 'you'. I guess no matter how many times people tell you to 'forget'; 'it will get better' etc... though they are right and you know deep down that you'll be fine it's hard for the present 'you' to see it. I know because I went through it and still am suffering the loneliness factor. There are some breathing exercises which will help you and some meditation which is also great to help you sleep. I wish I had an ounce of privacy or at least my own room to practice these things but to top my pain off, I have no sense of freedom whatsoever and zero money as well... So, if you have a job or a house or even a room to reflect and practice your individuality then you're doing a lot better than some... it will take time to heal and forget but for now all you can do is breathe... all the best

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Hey Daisy hope...Christmas can bring even more emotion especially when u had plans for the future.He might or not might come back to you...maybe one day down on her line the destiny will reunite you guys , but until then the harsh reality is that you need to move on and I know in time u eventually will.I know is so hard to understand why it happened but life has many surprises.You ll always have him somewhere in your heart , the acceptance is the hardest thing , but in time u ll be happy again

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