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she broke no contact


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Well my ex and I broke up end of june..she cheated but I finally stopped reaching out to her as she didn't want to talk anymore in September. ..night before my birthday dec 5th she sends me a text saying happy birthday and she hopes I have a great day tomorrow with a smiley...I said thanks but to not contact me since that's what she wanted in the first place...I said I missed her and her kid's and they will always have a special place in my heart but to stop...sh e didn't reply. ...what do I make of this?

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But why would she break no contact when she clearly wanted to stop communication?


To wish you a happy birthday. She probably debated whether or not it was the right thing to do and decided that it was.You told her not to contact you so she is honouring that having realised that contacting was obviously not the right thing to do afterall.

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She cheated on you and the basic time she contacts is for your B-day?


In time.. I'm sure you will come to realize what we're all saying here. It's for the best to NOT continue contact for your own well-being and to work on accepting what is and start healing.


It takes a while to get over them, of course. But doesn't mean they are for us.

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