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Does she want to get back in contact with me? If not, why did she do this?


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There was this girl that I was best friends with for years and years. I had feelings for her but she had a crush on my friend Joe. He liked her too so I put my feelings aside and got the two of them paired up so they could both be happy. Now I don't want to sound arrogant but personally, I think that was a rather respectful thing to do as neither of them knew the other liked them and would barely ever speak. So it was me that got them hanging out and helped them become closer. I watched them get close and eventually get together and it hurt me a lot. But I did all this because I knew that I would still have my friends.


Anyway, me and her kept talking and remained best friends for a long time. But eventually I ended up having a fallout with Joe. It was over some stupid . But he tried to hit me and we nearly had a fight and she (my friend, his girlfriend) stopped the fight and he got annoyed because she stuck up for me and not him. I attempted to talk to him and apologise but he was having none of it. Eventually he became paranoid and jealous of the fact that I was still close friends with his girlfriend. He kept accusing her of cheating with me and saying we were dating in secret behind his back. Eventually he told her that if she didn't break contact with me then they were finished. She explained this to me and said that she loved him and in the end it was him she wanted to be with and she cut off contact with me. In all honesty, I was torn. I'd lost one of the most important people in my life. She asked me to delete her number and she blocked me from Facebook. I respected her wishes but kept waiting for her to talk to me again.


That was 9 months ago. Now, 7 days ago she added me again on Facebook. I assumed they had broken up but I checked her profile and she is still with Joe. So I was puzzled. I waited 2 days, wondering if she would message me but she never did so I sent her a message saying "Hey, It's been a while! How have you been?" She saw the message but didn't reply. I waited a few days and messaged her again (today about 3 hours ago) saying "Hey, you ok?" Again, the message was seen but I had no reply. I don't get it. Why would she add me again to not speak to me? Your thoughts guys?


Sorry it's so long. Thank you in advance for any answers

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I'd think it's just the fact she wants you in her life again.. to an extent. NOT fully.

So, since you didn't get any reply, respect that and work at carrying on with your life.


I know it all hurts and sucks as to how this all turned out. He really shouldn't have put her on that spot to rid of you as a friend, but maybe he could pick up some vibes from you? Re: feelings for her.. u think?


Best to remain at a distance in respect to them & their relationship.

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I know it all hurts and sucks as to how this all turned out. He really shouldn't have put her on that spot to rid of you as a friend, but maybe he could pick up some vibes from you? Re: feelings for her.. u think?


Best to remain at a distance in respect to them & their relationship.


The thing is I don't have feelings for her anymore. But I do miss having her around as a friend. I don't think me being her friend would effect their relationship (unless Joe gets paranoid again)

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