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Do i look as bad as i think?

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Sorry this picture is very bad but it is the only one i got.I was just wondering if i look ok or bad been grown up thinking im bad looking because of how people treat me and some have called me ugly.

I cannot see the picture clearly, but from what I see you are a handsome dude. So snap out of it! By the way, what wer the circumstances when you were called ugly. Was it teasing? I wouldn't take it to heart. Also, grooming is a part of it if you feel that you are ugly, which you are not! Bodybuilding maybe. But you're fine just the way you are, don't listen to those other folk. They know nuthin'.

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Shinobie, you look like a perfectly normal 17 year old. Everything is in preportion, your eyes are not too far appart, they are just right, you have a nice bush of healty dark hair, smooth skin, and a nice body. The person that told you that you are ugly was trying to make themselve feel better by trying to put you down. Stop worrying what other people think, there is nothing wrong with you. You are going to have hundreds of girls run after you!!

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With women it's at least 3/4 mental in terms of attraction. So basically you need to have a game. Being insecure about your looks is a very common thing that everyone struggles with. Even some of the girls that you may perceive as hot also struggle with having self confidence in their looks....so it's normal to have those feelings.


If I were you i'd focus on the long term objective which could be something like improving yourself mentally, physically, socially, with women...

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Dude, you are pretty much the same as me, the hair, clothes, personality (music and world of warcraft), although I am little more built than what you picture shows, you look great man. I have had comments from girls before on how hansome I am and I have alot of friends who are girls, so dont worry, these guys that think you are ugly, what do they know.



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Sorry, that post was sent before it was finished.


You're definitely NOT ugly AT ALL!


No, that's just those people's insecurity with themselves, their self image and how they look to others. Don't allow their projections of their self image to be thrown on you, okay?


You're nice looking. You just remember that!



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