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My ex broke up with me about three months ago and went back to his ex gf. Well, we have stayed in contact through AIM. He knows I still have residual feelings for him (it was NOT a mutual break up) and I don't like his gf, so we never talk about it. We always just stick to surface talk.


Anyway, the other day he signed on under his gf's screenname and pretended to be her and IMed me. Well, me thinking it was his gf got mad and hurt by some of the comments she made to me throughout our conversation. When he signed on under his name a little while later I proceeded to tell him about the convo I just had with his gf. He then told me it was really him and not to get mad because he was just bored. I got really pissed at this point because I realized that the hurtful comments that were made by his gf to me were actually made by him. I proceed to tell him that I was pissed at him and he somehow turned it around on me saying that I was overreacting. Now he has blocked me which is fine because I don't want to talk to him right now anyway.


Is he right? Am I overreacting to this? Or am I justified in being angry with him?

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I think he was trying to make a hint you that you should go away by acting as his gf and saying mallicious things. It would probably be best not to talk to him anymore. I know it is difficult when you feel for someone, but I know from experience that the " friends" things almost never works. You will find much more peace if you move on and let him move on too.

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He is the one that contacts me and the one who almost always initiates conversations with me online. It is rare that I IM him first. I don't initiate conversations with him out of respect for him and his gf. If he wants me to go away all he has to do is not IM me.

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Naw, you weren't over reacting at all!! You have every right to be mad at someone for playing with your emotions. That was very disrespectful of him to play a game with your feelings. Drop him like a bad habit! Block him and his girlfriend, right back. It sounds like he did you a favor in breaking up with you.

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Yeah, what a jerk.


I've had the same thing happen to me with an ex's boyfriend using her ICQ to chat with me. He said some pretty mean things but I clued in pretty fast and saved the whole conversation. I sent it to her the next time she was online and I knew it was her. They broke up about 1 week later. lol She didn't come back to me or anything, but at least I openned her eyes. Too bad she stopped all contact with me after that, but I still think I did the right thing.

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omg!!!! thats terrible!!!!! what a jerk! that was so uncalled for! he is immature & practically rubbing it in your face!! what a creep! i am soooo sorry he did that to you....it makes me wonder...b/c my ex's ex (who hes all buddy buddy with now) IMed ME out of nowhere too once..... but i think it was really her. but i think he put me on her buddy list. or she got my name from his....i was blocked from my ex not long befroe i got that IM from her...weird!


he sounds like a loser! im so sorry he did that to you!!! you dont deserve it you are hurting & he is playing games!! i have AOL IM if youd like to talk.



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Okay, so he just got online under another screenname that I didn't know he had...He said that I didn't have to block him and he was truly sorry about what he did and never meant to hurt me, but that he will understand if I don't want to talk to him again. So, I told him that I accept his apology but that I am still mad and don't want to talk to him and I told him that I am going to block the screenname he just IMed me with too. I told him that I felt like he was rubbing his relationship with her in my face and I don't deserve to be treated like that.


I feel horrible, but I know I did the right thing and it is just better to forget about him.

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well i guess u handled it the best way u could. if u dont want him IMing u again, id go to MY AIM->my options->preferences->Security->& click 'allow only buddies on my list to IM me'


thats what i did & delete whoever you dont want. theres no way they can check if you did this. b/c only people on your list will know when your online. you will appear offline to everyone else in the world.


im glad youre keeping him out of your life. you deserve better treatment that that.



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What he did was REALLY wrong and he reacted by trying to make YOU take the blame. How crummy is that?


There are many reasons why he could have been pretending to be his girlfriend but all of which are bad. It is fraudulent and it is giving him pleasure at the expense of your feelings. Very very disrespectful.


The way he has now changed his tune and said sorry etc etc indicates that he actually does want to have you around.


But I wouldn't give in lightly, if at all. How can you trust him again?


You have done really well and I hope that you keep him blocked. Let the little bugger sit and stew, he doesn't deserve to have you as a friend.

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You are not in the wrong, however, that was definitely wrong of him to first of all get onto her screen name, and secondly to pretend to be her and say terrible things to you. I would not be upset that he blocked you and just play at his game. Remember that life is always a game... it however, is up to you to score!!

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Anybody that gets their kicks by seeing someone get so riled up like that is a malicious act of stupidity. Especially if he knows you have feelings for him still. Don't let him point the finger at you... You're not over-reacting.. I'd just not talk to him at all if he's going to be like that.. You don't need someone who brings you down like that...

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