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What has helped for you?


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I have a question? What helped you recover from your abuse? I am fully functional. I believe from adapatation and learning to suck it up. I still have occasional flash back moments and i occassionally think back on things but its not to the point where i cant get up and go to work. My biggest issue is that I play the blame game. I beat myself up alot about the incident itself as well as the way I "acted out" afterwards. That entire year after my assault was a rough one. I was numb to everything. I even hooked up with random guys just so I could feel aomething. Still never did though. Im at a better place but I know Im not where I want to me psychologically. Whats your story and what helped you?

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I've never been in your situation and I am sorry that you have gone through so much trama in your life. However, this "blame game" that you speak of or when you "beat yourself up", etc. will not result in positive outcomes. You need help and I strongly suggest seeing a mental health therapist. That is the only way yuu will recover.

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Accept it for what it was, make peace with it, and leave it in the past.


I still have the occassional nightmare or break down years later... but it hardly affects me now.

Dont let it play out in your head, when it does - put a stop to it. You can't change it, you can only come to terms with it.

My Uncle once told me to stop looking in the rear view mirror because I was moving forwards and not backwards.


It takes time, but give yourself about 20 days of stopping those thoughts and replacing them with newer more empowering ones, and you'll find yourself in a better place in no time. (:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Seeing him after two years of no contact and realizing he hadn't changed at all. That made me feel like I made a right choice leaving him and saving myself.

Family/friends support.

Moving abroad and working with kids.

Meeting new people.

Falling in love.

Letting go of anger and hate I had for him after what he did to me.

Letting go of fear he seeded in my heart.

Realizing our relationship was a "breaking through" point in my life, and a biggest lesson learned till now. It had A VERY crazy "karmic" feel to it, I can`t even explain it.


Finding the love for myself that I lost.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I used to suffered from PTSD after one of my abusive relationships. I used to not be able to sleep due to nightmares. I had to take breaks during work due to emotional triggers. I couldn't even drive home without breaking down, getting anxiety or having a panic attack. I've recovered since.


Accept how you feel at the moment. It's okay to feel sadness, anger, confusion...everything.

Therapy helps. I was in it for a long time. I still go once in a while just for maintenance.

Whenever you encounter an emotional trigger, keep telling yourself that it's because you've made the choice to be brave, you're now in a better place. You've done all that you could. You're glad that you've saved yourself.

Hobbies and passion

Self-improvement through volunteer, education, career. I find helping others helps a lot.

Family and friends support.

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