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Everything posted by GodsChosen

  1. I still cant understand how you could treat me so cruelly. I loved you so much. I always supported you even when my support was all you had. It still doesn't make sense to me how you could just leave me so easily yet say you loved me so much. To play with my feelings and my heart like that. Its something that I never would have done. I am happy that you finally have your daughter in your life. that's all I wanted because I knew that's where your heart is. How could I love you and not want to see you happy? To leave me, blame me, and then ignore me is something I just don't understand. I wish you would have left me alone knowing that you couldn't be the man I needed. Then for you to not tell me anything and hide so many secrets from me.....I dont understand any of it. But I do understand and know that I deserved better.
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