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has any one experienced this???????????

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hi folks, i have posted about this before. i have testicular pain. Last time i posted, i was told to see a docter, and i did see the docter 2 times, the nurse did a pee test and a physical test each time and they did not find any thing and the nurse said that i am fine and its something minor but i still keep experiencing the pain and i dont wanna go to the doc again, becuz i know what they will tell me.


So i am wondereing has any one experience this before? please tell me? ur replies are appreciated!! i hate this pain

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Did you go to a general practioner or a specialist? If you went to a g.p. or family practice doc, they may have missed something or it may be something unusual causing the pain.


Get a second opinion....you might want to consider a visit to a specialist this time -- a urologist. Pain is the body's way of letting you know something's not right.

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Hey bilal, let me ask you a couple questions first:


- Where exactly is the pain coming from (i.e., within the testicle, on the outside, etc.)


- What type of pain is it (throbbing, sharp pain, etc.)


- How long has this been going on?


- Is it interfering with urination or ejaculation?


This might clarify the situation and help to pinpoint what is happening.



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well, the pain is coming i think from inside of the testicle, and it goes all the way to my pack, it feels like there is a cord that goes to my back and it hurts and some times its just the testicle that hurts and it does not go to my back, it hurts ALOT when i am tired or after i ejaculate, basically when i am worn out or tired. sometimes when i am standing for a long periods of time it starts hurting.


Some times the pain is sharp, sometimes its not, i cant explain it


its been going on for may be a year or more i am not really sure, there was a time when i didnt know it was happening and it actually was happening, i noticted it may be 5 or 6 months ago i think, i noticted it becuz it was really bad. i experience it almost every day now and it sucks, i hate it, i am kinda getting use it though


it is not interfereing with peeing or ejaculation, no.


i would REALLY appreciate your help, THANKS ALOT

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OK, after reading your symptoms, I would highly suggest that you see a urologist. This type of pain is not normal and could suggest something a lot more serious. Do yourself a favor and do not put this off any longer and when you see the doctor, don't downplay the pain as something you can handle day in and out. Trust me, I know from experience and I learned the hard way what happens when you ignore it.


I don't want to scare you, but I do want to give you the best advice possible.

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Sounds bad dude. Never try to ironman any type of pain if it isn't a daily routine. It sounds like you have a torsion of some sort. A torsion is basically when a muscle or organ twists in its place and basically cuts itself off from oxygen, blood, etc. If that is the case, get that checked out ASAP because you could lose one of your crowned jewels if you let it sit like that and if it is "dead" inside you it could be grounds for infection. No one truly knows why a trsion occurs but it affects more people than you think, even yours truly.

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I cannot say I am a medical professional but I know a little bit. To alleviate any fears that you have about testicular cancer, it really doesn't sound like that (presuming you have no hard lumps). Outlaw mentioned twisted cord in the testis, which sounds closer to the mark although this tends to come around puberty and causes really extreme pain, generally needing treatment straight away. I have to say that you really do need to get this checked out by a professional as already suggested. Maybe in the meantime you seek some comfort by checking it out in a medical dictionary. Hope all is ok.

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i did see the docter 2 times, the nurse did a pee test and a physical test each time and they did not find any thing and the nurse said that i am fine and its something minor but i still keep experiencing the pain and i dont wanna go to the doc again, becuz i know what they will tell me.


You should go to a new doctor and make sure that they hear you out. If you are feeling this uncomfortable, then it's not in your head! Don't let them tell you it's minor if it's disrupting you enough to start a post about it!


I hope you get better!

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That is true no6. Torsion does require near immediate attention. This could be a matter of an infection of some sort...I'm not a doctor but I am thinking up some conclusions here. I know a good doctor costs cash but I'd rather be broke and have a chance to pay them than to lose complete function of an important body part never to work again. Seek for help my friend, get people to help you. Do not be ashamed, I doubt any of this is your fault.

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Speaking from experience, torsion occurs because of what is called "bell clapper" syndrome where the person is born without small "anchors" which hold the testis in place. Without them, the testis swing freely, much like the gong inside of a bell. Most of the time there will be no problem, but it can happen that the testicle can twist and cut off circulation to itself, resulting in extreme pain and, eventually, a dead testicle. Unfortunately, in my case, the pain was there, but I didn't acknowledge it until much too late and nothing could be done (You need to catch it within hours...I thought I had somehow hit myself in the groin or something like that and tried to "wait it out"). But the pain was so great afterward that I hardly think you could be walking around for a week, let alone months. The testicle will also swell and be very hard, so I don't think this is the case with you. But, like everybody says, see a urologist very soon to diagnose what is happening.

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