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I would think that after a 2nd date that ended with a half hour of passionate making out and affection, that both parties were interested in seeing each other again. Instead, trying to make a plan to see her again was met with her being distant, basically blowing me off as after she told me she already had plans....abruptly ending the text conversation by wishing me a happy weekend....I never heard from her again. After the last conversation, the message was clear to me - and if she was interested in me (like I thought she was), at the very least I would think she would return the courtesy of saying that she would at least like to make plans at a later date....because the message she sent me was "see ya".


I understand a few minutes of making out and then saying goodnight....but a half hour, where once part way through she said she really should get going and then put her purse back down and we continued our kissing....I would think there was mutual interest here. Nope - it has been 2 weeks since I've heard from her and I find this entirely WEIRD.


Now I wouldn't make out with someone on a 2nd date if I had no interest in ever seeing them again - but is that just me?

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You may never know.

And no, it's not weird. She may have reconciled with a bf, she may have met someone, she may have reconsidered taking it any further, she may not be ready, she may have a terminal illness.

Basically, this is the challenge of dating and putting yourself out there. You win some and you lose some. You like the ones that don't like you or the ones you don't care for want you.

You can't take it personally and if you aren't able to bounce back by a certain time then consider maybe not dating or changing your dating style so you can navigate it with some level of comfort.

Dating is not for the faint hearted! Let this one go and move along! There's someone out there just right for you.

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Thanks, and yes - totally agree with you that I may never know - most likely will never know.

I'm fine with it, just unfortunate because I thought that we had "a moment" together that night. I remember driving home thinking "wow - that was pretty awesome". Unfortunately it was only me that felt that way.....or not.....again, only she knows.

Dating is for sure not for the faint of heart......

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I think it's important to remember that two people can be out on the same date but be having two totally different experiences.


Clearly you thought your 30 minute make-out session was awesome and warranted a second date....and she unfortunately (for you) thought otherwise.


It sucks ..but that's dating.



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I think it's important to remember that two people can be out on the same date but be having two totally different experiences.


Clearly you thought your 30 minute make-out session was awesome and warranted a second date....and she unfortunately (for you) thought otherwise.


It sucks ..but that's dating.




Completely agree with this.

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I would be surprised too.


She might also have had a moment.


We could speculate lots of reasons for her behavior. She may be attracted to you but staying away because she doesn't find you suitable for a long term relationship. Or, maybe she only wants something temporary and she likes you too well. It could be anything.


Disappointing! OTOH, at least you have a strong indication that you are a good kisser.

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