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Insane college story about me and my boyfriends friend (Currently happening)


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Ive been using Enotalone for a very long time , I am currently in a relationship with my boyfriend i had since 2011 we were 16 now we are turning 20 jan/feb

Ive posted alot of heart break things about our relationship I was known as the one who didn't give up, kept trying for a very long time he broke up with me last summer during finals and i guess it hasnt been the same when he all of a suddenly after 40 something days of NC wanted me back, (He broke up because I caught him flirting with other girls on a textfree number , And what also hurted me/ still does is that he tried to get with his so called "bestfriend" and ive been jealous of her since the start and that tore me up into pieces... Ever since i can't trust him but i also can't let him go ... when we were separated id keep checking up on his fb constantly thinking of him and just depressed myself into my room until he wanted me back I was the one who really cared and he was (STILL IS) the lazy video gamer that barely puts in the effort as to doingthings/goingplaces/lovey dovy stuff/ calling texting blah ... I have been faithful to him since we got back together.


(That was just a sum up of the history) ... ive known his bestfriend from middle school we didn't talk then.. but now I have communicated with his friend through this game its like world of warcraft , its called league because I had to use the (GAME) to be social and get closer to my boyfriend I learned the game for him so i can play with him and spend time with him which i enjoy but usually his friend is on we didnt flirt or whatever in the games i usually would just ask him to help if i needed to learn if my bf wouldn't explain it in a way i could understand ... But we were all supposed to go to the same college my boyfriend couldn't even pay the first deposit so now he just wasting away on his videogames... Me and his friend ended up being in the same Freshmen building dorm and we arnt very social/ outgoing so we would hang together to try to meet friends.. And we would talk by ourselves about our relationships hes also in a relationship to (His girlfriend is also friends with the girl my boyfriend was flirting with on the textfree number -_- she also was friends with my bf as well they talked about "anime"

But anyway my boyfriend friend talks to me about how his girl doesnt try, barely texts back.. shes still in highschool with strict parents they cant see each other.. she isnt caring for him" And i tell how my boyfriend is the same .. i told him how he kicked me out the house when i came over with pizza/video games and letters to try to get back with him last year whe he was breaking up with me i told him how he was really treating me


We had mutual understanding of eachother and have convos that the people we are in a relationship with wouldn't take seriously ... I like how sweet he is he open s the door for me which really caught my eye because my boyfriend NEVER opens the door or shows courtesy like that the little KIND things like putting the sweater over my shoulder, i went to his dorm and was like "Oh is that a coffee maker?" and then he immediately asks me if i want some and starts to make it ..

offering to use his laptop when mine wasn't working little things like this and oh hes not on the DAMN VIDEO GAME ALL DAY! and he plays the same ones my boyfriend plays.. Well the other night I walked him back to his dorm im on the second and hes on the fourth floor and we talked some more on the couch in the lounge type of room and as we looked into each others eyes we just started to kiss and touch and it gets very intimate.. (i kinda did already adore him from seeing him come from a chubby middle school er to a tall skinny hot guy with dreamy eyes ) He told me yesterday i'm the first girl that shows caring and my boyfriend should be lucky i atleast tried to learn the game for him and his girlfriend wouldn't bother looking at it or asking him how his day was ...



So its very weird ... I know in 2012 during the time my boyfriend birthday was coming his friends girl did say she was going to draw a "cupcake" for him which really pissed me off as well.. so the actions mostly stemmed from alot of he did to me in the past and i guess i feel really comforting in him from all the hurt and pain ive been through. hes like i his second best friend. Same interest major in computer science and video gaming .. I love the fact hes more ambitious as well .... heh he has a job -.- my boyfriend is a lazy bum.. I still want to stay with my boyfriend though and his girlfriend is his first so im sure he wants her very much even though she is playing games

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Hate to break it to ya, but it's not insane at all as in unique or different, only in that you all allow yourselves to get into these types of messes in the first place. It's very common when two people get together way too early and are toxic for each other. So dump the BF already, you don't love him, you're catching on to the fact that other guys will treat you better, being "first" doesn't mean squat and you doing the whole "he cheated on me, so now it's my turn" is just ridiculous. Suggest you end things already with the BF, stay single for awhile and date around and find out that you don't have to cheat and they don't have to cheat and you can have a decent relationship without head games.

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What's the point of your post? You don't want to leave your bf and this guy you cheated with isn't asking you to, I fail to see a conflict here (I'm not going to waist my time by telling you how dysfunctional your love life is).


PS. your grammar is horrible (especially for someone who goes to college)


If you are not going to be correcting other people's grammar --- you should know that "waste" is the word you wanted. Waist is above your hips.

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You say you are the one who "really cares" about your boyfriend..but you have cheated on him, so that kind of contradicts that statement. You don't love your boyfriend or you would not cheat. You call your bf a lazy bum, but the guy you are cheating with..he might not be lazy, but he is an utter scumbag. Only scumbags get with women who they know are taken.


So you two deserve each other. Don't call this guy your boyfriends friend, friends don't do this. Don't call him a nice or understanding guy, because nice guys don't kiss their friends girlfriends. Here is the thing, your boyfriend does not sound like a prize, but you and this scum you are cheating with come off as much worse then he does. Here you are on a forum talking sh*t about your boyfriend while at the same time giving this other sleazeball a bunch of compliments. I don't care how ambitious or successful he is: only a sh*tty person kisses their friends gf. Only a sh*tty person knowingly gets with someone who is in a relationship. You also really have no business discussing the aspects of your relationship with your bf with this other dude.


So you seem confused, you say you "can't let your bf go" but if that was true you would of never cheated on him with his friend. Classy behavior.

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