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Im stuck here. Need some advice please


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What should i do when this girl said she likes me but is not ready for a relationship?


I met her 2 months ago and weve been talking since. she said im different from other guys and that she tries to force herself to not like guys, even though she does that, she said that she likes me.


She just finished a long relationship where her bf cheated on her a couple times. She told me that i helped her healing process.


I took her to the movies the other day and when i dropped her off, i gave her a kiss on the cheeks. After that, she texted me that she wanted to kiss me but realized that shes not ready for a relationship.


Now i dont know what to do. Should i continue being friends with her or should i just move along?

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You're choice if you want to be 'friends', but it seems like you've tried to cross those lines.

Can you handle that? Just being friends?


She is right, she can NOT handle another relationship at this time in her life. This gal is going to need some time to work on getting herself back together. Mentally & emotionally and work on healing from her experience.

This can take a while and it was GOOD of her NOT to fall into anything with you as she works on things..

So, do not expect anything further now. Respect her wishes.

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You believe her and you move on to find someone who does. End of story. Done and done. And you don't be friends, because now you keep hanging on to hope and reading signs into things that just aren't there while she gets the whole comfort of having someone at her beck and call who she can tell, "But I said I don't want a relationship, just to be friends," every time you go to walk away or move things forward, which is just a lose-lose for you all the way around, sorry..


It's never a healthy or good idea to have that with someone. Either you both really are only friends and could care less about each other romantically or you're together romantically. Anything else is both of you using the other and having a hidden agenda and it's a bit dishonest to boot.

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