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Migraines - How do I deal

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I guess when I hit 30 I started getting migraines as a symptom that my time of the month was coming or I'd get them during.


But over the past 4 years I started getting them when it was incredibly hot whether I was dehydrated or not.


But occasionally I'll get them for what I think is no apparent reason when there usually is a reason and I can't figure out what causes it. Sometimes it gets so bad lights, noise etc. makes it worse.


I haven't gone to the doc becuase I honestly haven't had time to go (even though there's no excuse) with all the hours that I work and personal obligations. I know no one is probably a doc here but does anyone have any experience as to what else might cause it?


The other problem is most OTC doesn't work fast enough or every single time. I used to take Advil Liquid gels but even those stopped working...now I take excredrine Migraine but even that doesn't work much anymore.


Any advice, opinions?

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The problem with migraines is that you can be all over the spectrum when it comes to the actual root cause.


It could be as simple as you need to go in and get a massage because your brachial plexus bundle of nerves are pinched, or perhaps other muscles in your neck are tight and this can cause migraine.


It can be stress, anxiety, fatigue, you name it.


On the severe end - you could have something legitimately wrong with your brain. While it doesn't sound like that would be the case (there is no diagnosing anyone over a computer) - but that is another reason where going to a doctor can be beneficial.


You could have cysts, swelling, etc etc the list goes on. For now - you can start simple and get a massage, watch your stress levels, and make the appointment with the dr.


For a true migraine - OTC is generally not all that beneficial, and there are prescription medications for those suffering from chronic migraines that could be beneficial.

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It comes down to finding what your triggers are and what will work for you. Also stay in touch with your doctor to work on finding a solution. And it's a given you've gotten a whole physical to make sure these aren't a sign of something else, right? Because you do want to rule anything medical out as well.


Fellow sufferer here and I feel for you. Start keeping a migraine journal and do so for several months--i.e. what you eat, stress levels, etc. and see if you can pinpoint triggers. The problem with migraines is they are so specific it's really hard to say what works for me will work for you. In my case red and yellow food dyes are a trigger, ditto not enough sleep, high levels of stress, periods used to be a given trigger due to hormonal fluctuations and certain weather conditions--i.e. extreme cold or hot will also trigger these in me. And sometimes they just show up anyways. And my migraines are weird in that there's pain, but I become so hyper that it got missed for a long time since I'd be flying around the office or the house getting things done even while it felt like one side of my head was melting from the pain. Go figure.


What helps me the most is taking b12 daily, it seems like it's lessened the severity of the migraines over time. Ibuprofen and hot packs help too. I tried every prescription drug out there for migraines and found them to be a joke with unwanted side effects--I still had the pain, but was so high or zoned out I just didn't care. That's not a solution in my books, so I do the other things although I have a friend who takes one anti-migraine pill and she swears by it. Don't remember the name, sorry. I have a sister who swears by aspirin in a coke and whose migraine triggers are bright flashing lights and dehydration, my dad needed to be a dark room with all the lights off for two hours to find relief and his were bluntly caused by his alcoholism. Still another friends swore by smoking all natural, tobacco only cigarettes to ease her pain and nausea. (not recommended BTW--I tried that one and got sicker)

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