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This is sooo frustrating I was sooo close today, I had everythin planned out what to say, went to the phone, and almost dailed the number... then spent an hour tryin to go for it... but i didnt!!




But i know she is still interested as she immediately replies to my texts, but the clock is ticking.....


BTW when is the best time to arrange a date? To ring up that day and ask what she is doing that night? or to ring up in the evening and ask about later on that week?


Thanks again


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Ask for a few days in the future. I try to follow the "so-called rule" that you ask before Thursday for a weekend night, but it is not a hard and fast rule.


Do you see her in person? If so, wouldn't it be easier to ask her when she is in front of you? Take a few steps toward it and watch her reaction, and you'll be more confident.


Talk to her and then tell her: "I really enjoy talking with you", if she reacts in a good way, then tell her "Maybe we should do it more often", if she reacts in a good way, then just ask, she has already told you "Yes."

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No ive only met her once, and im not likely to meet her again unless I phone her!


And i havnt really talked to her that much b4, as my friend went and got her number for me - i had talked to her earlier on very briefly though...


Im gonna have to do it soon as this was over 1 1/2 weeks ago....



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I know how you feel. I'm shy about that kind of thing too.


I think you should just go to the phone and dial the number. Don't even think about it, just do it. Obviously thats easier said than done, but you just have to force yourself to do it, otherwise you will keep backing out.


I think it helps to think about why you are nervous. You know she's interested, so you can't worry about being rejected. Even if she does turn you down, this whole experience will make it a little easier next time. I would say though, just keep reminding yourself that she's only human and I can garantee she will be nervous too, even if she doesn't act like it. She's only human.


Like I said, I know its hard. I've been there. However, its a matter of letting her go and regretting it, or just pick up the phone and dial the number. Don't even think about it.


I'm sure you've done this, but I find that it helps planning out what you want to say before calling. That way there isn't awkward silences.

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Hi Pal,

U can ring her and get her to talk to u at her most free time, maybe evenings or the time before she usually sleeps. Talk to her until u sense comfortability and ask her out.


U can also ring her and say, hey do u wan to meet me up?


That depends on what kind of person is, and what kind of activity she loves doing, and what kind of activity u are calling her to do..

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Have a couple of drinks first to loosen yourself up. Then it becomes easier to just do it. You'll still be nervous picking up the phone but you will have less inhibition and you just have to try to turn your mind off and stop thinking and then just dial the number.


You have nothing to lose:


If you don't call then you will never see her again and you will be kicking yourself for wasting the opportunity. And you will always be wondering what it could have been like.


If you do call and she says no then you will never see her again but you can put all the blame on her instead of yourself.


And if she says yes ...

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