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Well today marks 100 days since I've last talked to my Ex. Now that I'm into the triple digits I realize that it's ridiculous for me to continue to keep track. Afterall.. when does the madness stop? Do I keep counting to 200... 300... 500? As we enter into the new year, I do believe it's now time to just move on. I did not receive any kind of contact from her over the holidays. No cards.. No e-mails. Not a single well wish. I wasn't particularly bothered by it. That's probably because I wasn't really expecting it anyway. So I made it through the holidays just fine.


If she feels she can do better than me.... then I wish her luck. There was a reason that I opened up my Personals mailbox yesterday and found 72 responses. Obviously someone finds me attractive. Of course.... not one of these women lived closer than 200 Miles from me. How's that for Bad luck? Nonetheless.... it still made me feel good. So my Ex's loss will be someone elses gain. I'm Done.


I'm sure that I will still go through good and bad spells... just as we all do. However I'm not wasting my time on somebody who can no longer give me the time of day. The World does not work like that. Actions speak louder than words. If she can't show me that she misses me.... then Screw it. "THAT IS IT." I won't be calling. If I can do it for 100 Days... Then I can do it for a Lifetime! I'm not investing my time in someone who doesn't think I'm worth it. I personally know that I'm worth it. But if she can't see that..... then she doesn't deserve me anyway. When her next boyfriend treats her like garbage.... she'll suddenly remember the fun that we had and how much I was always there for her. Only then will she realize how much she misses me.


If that call ever comes.... I will let everyone here know about it.



Happy 2005!!!!



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Hey man, glad to hear you made it to 100! Its almost been a year since me and my ex split and I had trouble for a while, I guess I would say for about 8 months of it. I guess problem of it was she was still involved with my group of friends and is currently involved with my ex best friend . Anyhow, thats my story and this is about you. I'm just pretty much here to tell you(and I know you've heard this a million times before) that it will get better with time. Each day she doesn't call is more of a reason to realize that she never cared the way you cared and you DESERVE someone that cares for you in the same way. There are people emailing you! You should feel good about it because atleast you know you are still desirable. Quit the counter, because I did that for about 8 months, and I'm not sure how long its been anymore, nor do I care. I've learned a lot from the situation and now all you can pretty much do is take all of the positive things you've learned and apply them to some other lucky lady. I know I'm 19 and it probably seems like I don't know much about this, and I probably don't, but I'm just telling you what I think I know on the issue. Live life while you still can, keep racking in the ladies like your doing, and try to enjoy life. 8)

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Hey fellas! Just like me, im applying no contact. Its been 9 months for me... I did however break the NC rule on boxing day, as soon as i found out about the tsunami (my ex was sri lankan).


Anyways. Well done in applying NC. YOU ARE AN INSPIRATION to people who struggle with NC...


You are right! 2005! A new year, a new beggin eh?

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Hey Thanks for the quick reply. You certainly seem to have a good grasp of Life for only being 19. Same goes to you "Ated". It just goes to show you that no matter what age we are...... We all still experience the same Crap as each other. It is those experiences that allow us to grow into more knowledgeable people. Knowledge is power and I would say that we have some of the most powerful people right here in this forum. Thanks to you all for making the last 100 Days a bit easier for me. I've made some great friends here.


I'm still going to stick around even when I find a New relationship. I've learned that this place isn't just for people who need help, but it's also the perfect place to help keep your current relationship in perspective. It allows you to have a greater appreciation for what you have. That's definitely a good thing.


thanks everybody.




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Well done Jon!


I am sort of there myself - didn't do any counting - must be getting around 60 days. But I'm intrigued by the 'didn't even get in touch at Christmas' thing. My ex texted me on Christmas Day and New Year's Day and it just completely angered me and set me back. If someone's been horrible to you for months and they just disappeared in the middle of an argument and then used those days as an excuse to get in touch with you without losing face, wouldn't you be angry? I didn't reply to either. If he ever wants to hear from me again at all he's going to have to do a lot better than that.


I think your ex did you a favour not getting in touch - not that you need it cos you're there already!


Happy 2005!

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Hey John,


I remember you from ages ago. So you have made it to 100 days, good for you.


The odds are that if you don't contact her for long enough she will contact you. When she does, she will be in a better frame of mind to talk to you. It is better that way.


I am so glad you are learning from this whole experience. Alot of people don't learn from their relationship break downs but actually make the same patterns again and again. Sounds like you are doing some heavy thinking and reflecting and will grow alot from this.


Keep up the good work.

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hey john. congrats on NC. im about 100 myself maybe a little over but i figured u know what a new yr new look on things so i sent out a very nice mass email wishing ppl a happy new year & said some really nice warm thoughtful things. & yes i included my ex in the bulk mail. just to kinda bury the hatchet. he replied. but w/ a simple 'same to you' ah well. i jus wanted to be nice.


yea stop counting. best of luck to u in '05!



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yay!!!! \ congrats!!!! =D> partaaay!!!


100 days! good for you. it only gets easier...


go out and treat yourself! i know this has been hard for you and you have had a lot of will power and gained alot of strength. sharing your progress gives hope for the rest of us

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just like everyone else on here, I am applying the NC rule and I have not spoken to my ex in about two months. I have seen him out, but it has been at least a month since I last saw him out. He will defintely realize one day that girls like me are hard to find, and he will regret everything and just like he said," One day it will all hit me and I will either be a dumba@@ or a genius" more than likely he will be a dumbA. So, his loss just as your ex and everyone else's ex. Why is it that the good people get screwed over? I wish I knew. I just hope for the best, and pray that one day maybe he will call me and apologize for all the drama he has caused me since our breakup. I dont know. I also did not send nor receive any calls during the holidays, or even New Years for that. I dunno life moves on, and we definitely can not let someone get in our way of meeting the one that will really matter later on in life to us. Good luck and day 100 will soon be 200 and you can do it if I can, too!!

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your situation sunds a lot like mine. my ex will relize one day as did all my exs. this latest one still hasnt come around but i know he will. idiot. lol a friend of mine found out he has a profile on link removed & one line in his profile apparently says: "i love to listen & id like to meet a nice girl to just give me a chance." along with other BS how he lied about himself.


hahahahahahahah! to me thats justice enuff.


im thanking myself for everyday i dont talk to my ex. its another day im better off. as all of you. chin up & smile, youll get your sweet justice sooner or later.



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