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How did he move on so quickly


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I was with my ex boyfriend for two and a half years. We lived together for a year. He became distant and started going out all the time. Then one morning someone called lee was phoning, I'd noticed the night before he had 20 missed calls from this lee from work and I answered it, a woman answered and I asked who is this and my ex shot up our of bed and snatched the phone off me. I moved out. He chased me for a few weeks, it was a mistake he made when he was drunk and he hadn't meet her. We for back together but he kept asking me to move back in and I wasn't ready to and we had a massive argument. This was four weeks ago. After a week I realised something had changed he didn't want to meet me and was never contacting me first whilst I did the usual begging and pleading part. Then four days ago it all made sense he had meet someone else and had moved on. How could he move on in three weeks. He was still talking to me and every time I asked him he said he hadn't meet Anyone. I just thought he was angry at me that's why he didn't want to meet and was pushing me away. He sent me an email on the day I found out and I didn't reply this was four days ago and we've had no contact since. He's been moving on for three weeks whilst I was trying. I felt shocked and sick. I don't know if it's the person he has saved as lee. I don't understand five weeks ago he told me he loved me more than he can every tell me and he was an idiot for giving his number out and now we don't talk and he's with someone else. It really hurts. I'm trying to block out his face in my head and what he might be up to. I know I'll meet someone else when I'm ready but I'm so scared I'll never love anyone as much as I did him and will spend the rest of my life wondering what if.

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Then four days ago it all made sense he had meet someone else and had moved on. How could he move on in three weeks.


He was moving on long before you ever broke up. But people who leapfrog from one person to the next only 'appear' to move on. While your grief feels awful, it's natural and it's the REAL way to move on.


Head high, you'll get through this.

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Catfeeder is right. Never underestimate the importance of the grieving process. It's hard to say the least and it is so easy to give in to the temptation of rebounding onto the first guy who smiles at you while you are still constantly thinking about the ex.




Sounds like this loser was keeping you as a back up plan in case the chick he was pursuing didn't work out because obviously he's too weak to be by himself for any long period of time.



Use this time to focus on other things, especially yourself, take off the rose tinted glasses and do some serious introspection. It might take a while, but you'll realize how much better off you are without this a-hole in your life.

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