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Dreams. healthy?

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Alrite. heres the deal. im a 16 yr old male and basically, i dont dream. i may have about 2-3 dreams per year. thats it! I hear my friends takling about the dream they had last nite normally... n ill be like when the heck was the last time i had a dream... i really dont know how or why this is with me. but it is.


not to mention the only dreams i have had seem to be laced with metaphors and stuff. (im a philosophical guy). I just wonder if this is normal.

as for my sleep cycle: on weekdays, i usually sleep by 12-1230am and wake up around 7-730am. weekends i sleep in until about 1130-12noon.

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I think that if you are a very sound sleeper you are having the dreams, but you are also in a deep state of sleep, so you are just not aware of them.


Dreams are all metaphors. That is why they are fun to think about and discuss.


In the 1800's it was pretty popular to discuss your dreams. People would lie down and sleep for a while, then have someone wake them up and then they would write in a journal what was going on their dreams.

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Alrite. heres the deal. im a 16 yr old male and basically, i dont dream. i may have about 2-3 dreams per year. thats it! I hear my friends takling about the dream they had last nite normally... n ill be like when the heck was the last time i had a dream... i really dont know how or why this is with me. but it is.


not to mention the only dreams i have had seem to be laced with metaphors and stuff. (im a philosophical guy). I just wonder if this is normal.

as for my sleep cycle: on weekdays, i usually sleep by 12-1230am and wake up around 7-730am. weekends i sleep in until about 1130-12noon.


In actual fact, we all dream every night, a few times too, and so do you. What is actually happening is that you are not remembering many of those dreams, which is perfectly normal.


I have the same dream-remembering count (two to three times a year), and I'm not worried. In fact, I think it is good that I don't remember so many dreams to think about.


As I understand it, dreams are said to be a way in which we deal with unresolved issues, rather than merely stories (we act out solutions in our dreams...nightmares are dreams in which we fail to conclude an issue).


And as for your dreams being laced in metaphors: quite a lot of things come in metaphors in dreams, apparently, so there is nothing wrong there. (Or, as Sisterlynch said above, a dream itself is a metaphors!)

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Here it is. EVERYONE DREAMS EVERYNIGHT. You just don't remember most of them. I'm sure if you really care you could go on the internet and find out why we only remember a select few, but I promice it really is nothing significant. Some people remember tons of dreams, sometimes you get on streaks of weird dreams. Some people physically do stuff depending on their dream. My dad has done some of the funniest things you could think of in his sleep with my mom right there. IE: Singing xmas songs in june, roaring like a bear, quivering at the end of the bed screaming "don't shoot, and frequently ripping covers off the bed to check for snakes/spiders ect. The list goes on, but it is just got to do with way your brain acts in your sleep. Obiviously your a deep sleeper.


Don't worry, dreams arn't all that great anyway, you aren't missing much

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When you sleep at night you go through 5 stages of sleep, stages one through four and REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. you will only dream in REM sleep. You cycle through these five stages about 4 to 5 times a night. so if you happen to wake up in the first 4 stages of sleep every morning, you wont remember any of your dreams. But I do gurantee that you are dreaming.

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Melatonin gives most people more intense dreams and could probabaly help you to remember more of them. Dreaming is one of my favorite things in the world, it's a true communication between you and your unconscious without all the confusing clutter that we inject into our waking lives. If you're a philosophical guy, like me, you should probabaly want to remember your dreams and see what your unconscious has to tell you.


Melatonin's not a drug, it's a natural chemical in your brain that helps with remembering dreams and memory in general, so it's a very useful supplement. You can find it in most vitamin sections.




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thanks a lot everyone, this clears up a lot of my misconceptions. Ive just always been worried about my sleep cycle, cuz its always been weird..(topic for another thread) but thanks a lot, i guess i do dream... now i jus gotta catch the dreams red handed.


oh heres some fun: one of the few dreams i remember:

Im standing in a field. my right hand has a yellow rose, my left holds a red rose. i cant seem to decide which one i want, and my face goes sad, and a single tear of blood rolls down my cheek. and i squeeze both the roses' stems til my hands drip blood. -thats it. waddaya think?

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I think that what you are dreaming is that of a choice between similar alternatives that you don't want to make. Like bewteen two women, almost like your mom and a gf, I am not sure why I am including your mom....


You are angry that you can't love them both equally, but you must chose, and as time is running out, you are hurting them both equally...how is that??

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