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I'm not needed anymore.

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When I first started working for the company I work for about 8 years ago. I was one of the few talented/bright ones in a company of idiots (no lie!). So it was easy for me to be of use and indispensible becuase I would be the person they would get to train both managers and regular staff.


But as time went on, management managed to hire either hard workers or talented people. Not quite able to think for themselves but with enough coaching they would meet the minimum expecatations so I was utilized less and less for big projects and bigger responsibilities in the company because now they had the staff to offset that. Which is the normal thing to do, but for someone like me who takes pride in being challenged and learning new things. I have been feeling obsolete the past couple of months. There's been talk of hiring more and more people for big partnerships the company is trying to establish and it kind of made me feel even more useless because they were hiring people for the new projects the partnerships if we landed them. Which meant I wouldn't be involved, the people they will hire will be involved.


There's nothing stopping them from utilizng me in those projects which they know I could do well but my job description is what it currently is which dictates I do what I'm currently working on. The problem is, I've been doing these responsibilities for the past few years and I've outgrown them and its easy for me. I've already talked to management about this and they said they can't have me doing things that are out of my classification (We are a heavily unionized organization) which I also understand but still I'm bored out of my mind, I feel useless. Even the receptionist who they always never gave major projects to because she was a slow learner is now taking on big projects that they have given her.


They aren't trying to let me go or using this as a way to let me go. They don't want me to leave but the more I hear people chatter away about projects and things, I feel like more and more I'm becoming uneeded and nothing I work on has impact.


So what can I do to be more involved and get them to let me be involved?

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When I first started working for the company I work for about 8 years ago. I was one of the few talented/bright ones in a company of idiots (no lie!). So it was easy for me to be of use and indispensible becuase I would be the person they would get to train both managers and regular staff...

So what can I do to be more involved and get them to let me be involved?


You need to apply for one of their new positions that you want. Let your manager know before you apply but then apply.

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Could you change positions within the company, to something with a more interesting "classification," or would that mean a major pay cut?


There isn't any openings right now and there was in the past that were "different" but lower pay and less responsibility but they were for departments that had drama that i didn't want to be a part of.

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You've been in the same role for 8 years, and now you are upset that its passed you by?


I once got some great advice from one of the partners I worked for in a Big 4 accounting firm - "Its your career, manage it."


Not in the same position.


1 year until they had a decrease in budget and although my immediate supervisor wanted to move things around to keep me the CFO said no that the best thing for me was to switch another department. So got moved to another depatment that needed my skillsets until they too got budget cuts and about ~30 people were being let go (least seniority). But then I got move to my current role that i've been in since 2009 ish.


But i outgrew this role after a year. But the only reason ive stayed because I make a lot of money here and its easy work but I often find myself feeling useless unless a big project comes but then I’m only involved in it partially when from the way things were explained I’d have a bigger role but then that never happens so I keep falling for it every time.


It’s at the point where major things are happening and I doubt even though its conveyed ill even have a major role in it.


So something has got to give as far as instead of wasting money hiring people, utilize me more.

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It may be time for a change of scenery altogether.


Kind of scared applying for a job in an unstable economy. I've looked at job postings and they all pay 1/2 of what i make here.


I had this one friend who had been looking for work for 2 years. He finally got this permanent job and they laid him off becuase of financial cuts after 6 montyhs and he just signed a lease that he was stuck for.

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The economy and job market are better than they've been in the past 8 years.


I just changed jobs, the market was great. Take a look for yourself.


They're better than they were from 2008-2013, but still rather unstable. I know a lot of people who are still stuck in contract work who don't want to be, or who have recently been laid off.

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OK, you say you don't want to be on the project, but then when you talk about doing something else, you come up with a list of why you don't like that either (drama in the dept. etc.).


So you have to decide what is most important to you. If it is stability and high pay, then stay where you are and wait until you see a job open up in another dept. where you can transfer.


Meanwhile, you can focus on upgrading your skills (get another degree or take courses) or focus on your private life and developing a hobby etc.


And you can always look for another job doing what you want. Most people change companies at least every 4-5 years, especially if they get stuck in a job they don't like and aren't getting promoted or put into assignments that they like. It sounds like your management is clear that you are stuck on these particular projects, so unless they are willing to transfer you to a totally new job (which also opens up), you are either going to have to do that job or look for another job at a new company.

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I don't know what I"m going to do at this point. The solution is so easy and just challenge me. It's not hard especially when I see them challenging people. It's like they are afraid they would have to fill a hole I'd be leaving if I switch departments. They tend to do that.

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@heatherdawn I work in govt/politics/commerce. It's hard to explain but it basically is ran like a political office in some ways. Very dysfunctional in alot of ways.


@blue I'm a girl btw. I agree. It's not all rainbows. And this being a stable organization and well paying for what is easy for me is not something people would just give up so freely. But unhappiness is unhappiness.

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@heatherdawn I work in govt/politics/commerce. It's hard to explain but it basically is ran like a political office in some ways. Very dysfunctional in alot of ways.


@blue I'm a girl btw. I agree. It's not all rainbows. And this being a stable organization and well paying for what is easy for me is not something people would just give up so freely. But unhappiness is unhappiness.


Sorry about my mistake regarding your gender.. I'm not sure why I thought you were a guy.

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I don't know what I"m going to do at this point. The solution is so easy and just challenge me. It's not hard especially when I see them challenging people. It's like they are afraid they would have to fill a hole I'd be leaving if I switch departments. They tend to do that.


A lady who helped me at my old job once told me to never think that you cant be replaced.......



There are people out there looking for any chance, that will come in with a fresh go gettter attitude who will do the job for less pay and less benefits ...

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