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Everyday is a little better


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My ex boyfriend and I have been broken up for almost three months now. We were together for 4yrs. Up until the breakup we’d had a wonderful relationship and he’d even took me to meet him family I was the first girlfriend they have ever met. hes’s from a diff. state and moved to be with me. I was his first real serious girlfriend and he was mine. We got together when he was 19 and I was 23 he is now 24 and I’m 28 and he said I was the one and wanted to get married to me he even said I would be getting a ring and hitting it’d be very soon that was about a week before he broke up with me (and we live together) saying he needs a break/ wanted to go out more didn't want to tied down etc. But he was the one pushing getting married. Then like a week after we broke up he started to hookup with one of his co workers at the time I had no idea.


Since he kept telling me he just needed time and also kept saying he wanted to get back together. But when I’d say ok he would change his mind and nothing happen. Then last month he tells me that he is sleeping with his co working and that when he leaves at night that’s where he goes not hanging out with his male friends. But added that she was not his girlfriend just a friend he was sleeping with.


Now at the end of July he tells that she tells people that he is her boyfriend even took him to meet here family But I know for fact that he has not told his family about her our then shes just a friend and that he is still with me. Which brings me to now last weekend he moved his stuff into her apt. after he got mad at me for telling him he has to really move out and to let our landlord know that he will be moving out after the lease ends in two months since also this whole time hes been saying that hes moving out and lives with her. He asked me why would I do/say that when he lives here ( in the apt.) too. I said that’s news to me since that not what you’ve been telling me.


Then he calls her and said that he had decided to move out and in with her for real. But when I asked him for the apt. key back he wouldn't give it back. He then showed up on the weekend saying he had to get the rest of his mail which he left the day before just so he’d have a reason to come back. and we talked for a bit. He let me know that he had done all of this to make me jealous for the most part and that he never wanted to move out but was mad at me when he did. That he wants to fix us but thinks it wont work since it didn't work before (the reason is because he feels like he can fix every thing on his own ) Also he keeps asking me to wait for him but I told him I have been and can't anymore. He even told me what everyone already knew he has no idea what he's doing and why he messed up a good relationship with me. I asked him for his house key back again and he still kept it. Since he said I wouldn't hear from or see him again and he also kept daying things with this new girl wouldn't work out but he has been saying this since he told me about her.


But for the last three weeks I’ve been trying to work on me and get my life in order. And I’ve started NC/( LC when I see him at home cuz he makes up reasons to come a see before work) and he's been calling my almost everyday and become a total text gnat and is also upset that he almost never sees me now that I have a new job so I’m not at home like I us to be. Just the other day I get this long text about how he gets that I don’t want to talk to him anymore and how he wont come crawling back when things don’t work out with the new girl etc. But hes said that before. He text me some more asking me to please call him and when I don’t he calls me/text me all day.


And I do miss him and want him back it's so hard not talking to him all the time since we were together for so long. But my thing is I’m really not sure what he is doing since at the end of the day he keeps hitting that he wants to fix us and get back together but hes still with the new girl.

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" But my thing is I’m really not sure what he is doing since at the end of the day he keeps hitting that he wants to fix us and get back together but hes still with the new girl."

- Sounds like he's basically using you to get over you. AND he's wanting to keep you around as a 'back up', in case this doesn't work out with this other gal.


BUT, with how he's being.. so selfish and all.. and messing around with someone else.. not with you. WHY would you want to consider taking him back again?


In all honesty, you can't. Not until whatever caused the BU has been dealt with.


He 'chose' to move on... then let him. But he has NO right to hold the key anymore. If you're renting, you can always mention this to the landlord, that you want that key back.


There seems to be some anger/venting going on. Normal for a BU, at this time.

Best for YOU to just go on your way and have NOTHING to do with him at all. No texting.. calling, etc.

You need this in order to work on yourself, work on accepting & start healing.


You can always remove his # or block him.


Time to take care of YOU now.. while he's messed up out there.. acting like an *****.


Good luck

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