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Travel Job

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My current job is on a renewable contract for the next couple years, but after that I don't know what will happen. I may need to look for something else. If that's the case, I'd like to find a job that involves travel since I don't have any ties needing me to stay in one place. I have experience in the IT field and in teaching. What kinds of jobs would be best to look for? I'm not really sure where to start.

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Corporate trainer where you'd have to travel to various locations. There is usually a pretty high demand for IT background to train IT to staff.

Or hook up with a software/IT company where they need someone to travel around to implement and train clients how to use their stuff.

With your combination of IT and teaching background, you should have an easy time getting hired on for something like that.

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Consulting jobs, such as with EYKL (formerly known as Ernst & Young/Kenneth Leventhal), Deloitte Touche, etc. Backgrounds in finance, accounting, IT, real estate, and/or media are generally required, they are accustomed to hiring young people and grooming them for a long career, and they will send you all over the place. When you quit, you have an edge in getting access to other jobs, because people know you are capable of high-energy performance and OTJ learning.

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