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She found out I like her. Now what?


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Okay so I'm a tennis player, and last week I walked down to the tennis courts to talk to my coach. There was a really pretty girl playing there (I like her) I introduced myself and talked a bit and I told my coach that I wanted to play with her sometime. My coach gave her my number and we started meeting for breakfast and playing tennis together. We've become friends and it seems to go well when I see her. (Nothing more than just friends though) We text back and forth and have conversations most days, but it's usually me that texts first.


We've met up and played tennis 3 times this week and we got breakfast together twice. As far as I know, she doesn't know that I like her, she just thinks we're friends. It's usually me that sets up the times to play also.


I told one of my friends that I like her, and he back stabbed me and told her that I like her when he saw her.


I'm not sure what to do now, I haven't talked to her today because I'm afraid it will be awkward. I was planning on asking her out to dinner or a movie or something, but I don't know how to go about it. Are my chances with going out with this girl ruined?


I haven't texted her today. Should I wait for her to text me first or should I text her?


Should I lay low for a few days?


I'm thinking about setting up a time to eat breakfast and play tennis again, but this time when I see her I'll ask her on a date. Is that the best idea?


Please help!


Also, what does it mean if she's afraid to make eye contact when we're talking? She will be talking about something and just glance at my eyes then look away real quick while she continues to talk. Does that mean she's nervous or something? Please give me some advice.



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I think that you two are probably both a bit nervous around each other because there is some attraction there and you are both a little scared to bring it up. It pays to just man up and tell her how you feel though--this forum is littered with sad stories of guys who missed their chance to try for the woman of their dreams and wish they still had a chance to ask her out...remember, the absolute worst thing that could happen is that she could just say no...but what if she says yes?

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