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How to stay away from food ?

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I need to loose some wieght,not really much but how do i stazy away from the temptations? I need to stop with sweets,and snacks...i eat even when i am not hungry.And it has become something i do ,and if i do not my body convinces me i am hungry


So any tips on how to loose wight?

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Make it your goal to know your hunger cues-to know when you're actually hungry and not just eating for a different reason (or thirsty!) - this will take some time but once you master it it will help so very much. Do not have the trigger foods easily accessible and if they are in your house, throw them in the garbage because they are garbage for your body. I highly recommend Weight Watchers to help you lose weight.

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Don't buy food when you are hungry, go to the supermarket to buy the food you need. If you are hungry, you are tempted to buy high calorie food that you don't need.


I never buy sweets and snacks. If I don't have them at home, I can't eat them.


Try to have your meals, like lunch and dinner, with someone (more difficult if you live alone). Sharing a meal with someone, chatting, having a good company, makes the moment much nicer and satisfying.


Be busy. I hate being alone at home and bored, I end up snacking on little things the whole time and in the end they sum up to a big amount of calories.


Move. Walk 30 min a day. Put on loud music and dance like no one is watching. Walk instead of taking the train (for example leave the train (bus, whatever) one stop before yours and walk the rest)


If you snack, do it on healthy food. Grapes, strawberries, cherry tomatoes (careful because fruit also contains sugar).


Eat breakfast, lunch and dinner at least.


In between the meals, eat something too. An apple, a banana, a little sandwich with ham or cheese, a yoghurt, a bowl of cereals (try to eat every three hours).


Eat when you are hungry! If you are hungry, think about what can you eat to satisfy the hunger. Don't just eat something to fool your stomach for a while and make you hungry again after 30 minutes.


Eat whole grain bread and cereals. Complex sugars. Much better than white bread which gets processed much faster.


Give your body time to adapt to your new routine.

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Start cooking.

If you take the time to make and clean up after a meal, you have more respect and control over it.

Get into a routine.

If I don't thoroughly brush my teeth and work, when I get him I eat whereas I otherwise be doing some chore.

Like the above poster said, know your triggers.

I didn't smack my boss?

I shall reward myself with food, haha.

Also, read books about fat people.

When you read you relate to a character and hearing all the nitty gritty horrible treatments these authors have received it can motivate you to not suffer the same as they because you see....at face value...that their weight is their fault.

Also, don't over indulge in heart what you buy,

Your fridge and cupboards shouldn't be stuffed.

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The only thing that has ever helped me, is to track it. Write down everything that you're eating and plug it into weight watchers or my fitness pal. The my fitness pal forums are great too, many people facing the same struggles, and many that have been successful and come back to be a coach.


It's not easy. It won't happen overnight....but having a small deficit on a daily basis will slowly help you lose weight. I follow fitb**ch on Facebook! and she's pretty awesome for inspiration...although she follows Paleo and organic diets which I don't subscribe to.



One day at a time

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I chew gum too


treesandbees, does chewing gum help you? For me it is the opposite, if I chew gum I get more hungry. I once heard an explanation for this and it is that when you are chewing your stomach is expecting to receive some food which then never arrives.

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Yes walking is great for your health in general.

You could also consider starting some sports. Something that works good for you.


I can tell you about my experience with jogging. I am totally lazy when it comes to sports. I started jogging in the beginning of 2013 and wouldn't run more than one to two minutes without pausing. But I continued and now I run much longer and faster. It is also very good for stress, and I see you have also been having some in your relationship. Another great thing about jogging is that I do it whenever I want on my free time, no schedules.


Put on some runnig shoes when you go for your walks and start runnig and walking in between.

Or just find some other sports that suits you better.

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