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First Date after Breakup...


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Well, thanks! You forgot charming by the way. Oh wait, you also said weak and something about integrity. Ouch. Well, nobody's perfect



Anyway, all of this stuff is woven together and hard to unwind. I've spent a lot of energy lately trying to figure out how to be "happy" by myself. Turns out I had been much happier before this past relationship but just didn't realize it. 7 years of casual dating and focusing on being a Dad was a decent gameplan for happiness I guess. 10 months of compromise and mild drama in a relationship and, well, here i am - "growing and healing".


I get what you are saying about dating and leading someone on. I suppose I can just be clear in conversation and actions. Or not date at all and wait until i'm "better". But the truth is that I do want to be in a relationship. Someday. Maybe now. I certainly don't want to spend the next seven years casually dating. One of my problems is overanalyzing all of this and feeling like there are real "answers". The more of this I do the longer I will take to "heal" I think. The more fun I have interacting with other people and just living life, the better.


I think.

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