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turned down one night stand...miss her


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The opinions of others on YOUR sex life shouldn't be an issue to you. Why even bother yourself with wondering if you did the right thing or not? You did what you felt was the best option for you. Stand by that decision and tell your friends to p*** off. If they want to have one night stands, they're free to do so; you aren't an idiot for doing what you did. At 30, you shouldn't even question that.

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Your friends are jealous and need to mind their own business. You were propositioned by a beautiful girl but knew you had the option of turning her down. Why? Because you're not desperate. And when things have settled from your breakup and you're ready to get back in the game again, I'm sure you'll find more beautiful women who appreciate class.

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Im 30 and being called an idiot by friends for turning down a beautiful 21 year old chick for sex last night.

Good for you, man. I wouldn't want to pick up any STDs because of one bad choice. You have no idea if that girl was clean and condoms don't always protect.

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You do not need to go that low. You chose NOT to go there and that IS okay.


Is there any ways NOT to have any contact with the Ex? You mentioned little contact.

I still miss her and ive had so much on my plate that I haven't been happy like I used to be....im letting her go so to speak...but I still love her and would love a chance at another go...just accepting that its over and if we can reconcile down the road so be it

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