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I think i know what to do. But how? help...?

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Here is my story. I am 19 years old and i just got through my first semester of college. I had a girlfriend of about 3 years, and we tried to work thing out through my first semester to see if it would work. We have had issues in our relationship in the past because of lies and a little bit of cheating, or near cheating, done by each of us. One of us was always jealous, and one of us was always going to get even, or try to make themself feel better. The only recent problem we had was this guy she had dated during a break up we had. She started talking to him again, and it freaked me out, and for good reason too. We had been fighting, and eventually, she got fed up and invited him to a social she and i had planned to go to together, without telling me she did it. It was the day before my birthday that the party was, and i found out 3 days before the party, when i had my suit together and everything, that she was taking another guy. then i found out it was him, and didnt talk to her for 3 days or so. she didn't even call on my birthday. later, i found out that this guy had had sex with one of her best friends the night of the dance. I thought it was funny as hell. My now ex girlfriend and this guy had messed around a little bit, and then he had sex with her friend. it was classic.


The problem now is that she is still being horrible. I suppose neither of us really treated the other right in the end, but she is still treating me bad, even after all this. She will call me, and act happy like she wants to see me. then she turns around and ignores me. I should just stop talking to her, but how? Or what should i really do? It's gotten even worse now that she heard i have been talking to other girls i had dated. She will almost make plans, then not call me, or not pick up when i call, and she gets angry if i hang out with any other girls. How do get away from this crap? its a nightmare... any advice?

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relationships aren't meant to be filled with agony and suspicion and one upping games. That was high school.


I know it's nice to be able to say you have a GF, but really...is the idea of having someone worth the price of your dignity?


Let her go her way and find someone to start over with...that you can trust and that you can have a mutual respect for.

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i don't suggest u be friends with her( i don't think ut's gonna work), and apparently ignoring her is not effective. talk to her, say that it is over, stop wasting each other's time. u shouldn't continue to contact her cuz she brought agony and misery in ur life. just try to end this as soon as possible and hope she won't bother u anymore.


Good luck

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But how do i just end it? she will call me and talk to me online. should i just ignore her? try to be friends?


There are some cases when you can be friends with an ex. I don't think this is one of those cases. There has been too much hurt and disrespect from both sides (her mainly) to still maintain the same level of mutual respect that I think, is 100% required for a friendship to occur between ex-partners. I would probably find it almost impossible to respect her after everything.


She doesn't sound very mature. I think it's possible to be friends in the future, but not before she grows up a bit and is more self-aware. She doesn't seem to do much else for you but bring you down and anger you. Why bother with that crap when you don't have to?


If I were you, I would block her from my IM programs, at least temporarily. Or you could go the direct route and just tell her that you don't feel like talking to her for a while - that route will probably hurt both of you though. Just try to cleanse her out of your life right now and I think you will see things more clearly.

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