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Sympathies to the people of Asia

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oh my God!!!! according to CNN well over 33,000 died, 250,000 are homeless, & now the big threat of disease may sadly take even more lives...


There is a Buddhist saying in Sri Lanka: "Life is no more than a dewdrop balancing on the end of a blade of grass." The events of December 26 have shown just how precarious that balance is....


our hearts & prayers are with all that lost loved ones...



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You can contact the American Red Cross at link removed


Or you can contact the US Center for Disaster Information at 703-276-1914 or link removed


They may have some ideas on things you can do. Or you can attend a prayer service at your local house of worship if you are religious. Many churches and community groups are also organizing airlifts and other projects to move supplies over to the affected regions.


Those people who are outside the US but still want to help out should contact agencies located in their area or the International Red Cross.

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This is really a tragedy The stories i heard about this makes my situation seem like insignificant.

My deepest sympathies to those who lost their loved ones.


As one last request, i would like to ask everyone who used msn or similar programs to do the following (i think most of you know this):


Please put a X before you name in memory of the thousands how have died and missing in the Asia quakes which killed more than 37,000 people. Thank u

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god it's horrible.. completely horrible...so many innocent people gone so easily...jeez i was sobbing when i found out...so yes, i send my deepest regrets and sympathy to all who have died or been injured throughout it, all who are still stuck out there, and all who have loved ones dead or injured by cause of this.

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Lostlove, i read about that too, but dont worry! There's really nothing to be scared about...


The theory is that the movement of the tectonic plate beneath the Indian ocean that caused this terrible tragedy has made the earth ever so slightly more compact (the change is so slight that the GPS network probably wont pick it up) and so now it is apparently spinning 3 millionths of a second faster and has tilted 2.5cm on its axis.


This is nothing to worry about because the tilt of the axis always varies by around 10 metres anyway and is anyone really going to miss those 3 microseconds a year?

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Hi Prosper, we are from the same country and it's nice to see ya here.


Back to the topic, it is shocking, sad and strange that so many lives were lost in one brief moment. I guess words can hardly describe the anguish and pain of the loved ones they have left behind.


My mind is still reeling from the numbers shown in the death toll. Let's all save a prayer for them.



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I saw on news that there is only like... 1 doctor there - a student (I think?) Physician doctor and everyone is asking for more help. One guy who survived was like "Where is America? Why hasn't the world responded faster? We need more help here" etc. The count is almost 70 000 and maybe more...


The world has to concentrate on this terrible disaster to help all those in need.

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I agree ksk. That is one reason we decided to make an exception to our no solicitation policy in this one case. So that we can all try and do whatever we can. Even if each person donates just $1 or 1 pound, 1 euro, it would really add up. That can be used to buy blankets, food, drinking water, medical supplies, clothing, etc.


I know there are local agencies around here putting planeloads of stuff together. But this is such a huge area it will take them a long time to get to everyone. The whole world will have to help with this one. Its just a monumental task.

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If everyone just dontates a few dollars it can make a big difference to those people in need right now. Here is what your donations can buy...


$1 Buys one family expert safety information.

$3 Buys a comfort kit with toiletries for one disaster victim.

$6 Buys one blanket for a disaster shelter.

$10 Buys one day of groceries for a family affected by a disaster.

$20 Buys a home clean-up kit for a family affected by a disaster.


If you would prefer to donate via telephone then here are the numbers:

#1-800-HELP NOW (1-800-435-7669) - Official Red Cross Financial Donation Hotline

#1-800-257-7575 - Official Red Cross Spanish Language Financial Donation Hotline

#1-800 220-4095 — Official Red Cross Financial Donation Hotline with TDD

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